fits, giggles, and new shoes.

Si and I went to the mall yesterday in search of a pair of bonafide walking shoes. He's had plenty of hand-me-down slippers and even a pretty sweet pair of Crocs, but this kid needed something he could run around in without tripping. 

After a quick stop in Stride Rite, where I practically choked at the price of toddler shoes, we made a beeline for Payless. I plucked a pair of brown shoes from the top shelf, slipped them on his little feet, and he took off down the women's shoes aisle. He toddled through each corridor of the mall, and then he decided that he wanted to push the stroller, but I was not allowed to touch it. After a few rounds of bumping into people and walls, I quickly nixed that game. 

Oh, the drama. 

Carrying a kicking, screaming, flailing child through the mall for the first time felt a little bit like a rite of  passage. I got a wink from a grandma and plenty of stares, and I just had to laugh. 

Watching him become a real live talking boy has been fascinating. I love seeing him stop to trail his hand along the bumpy chain link fence, or drive his toy truck on the sidewalk. He giggles at the most random things, which of course, makes me giggle too. Yesterday, he very clearly said "thank you" and he is smarter than I ever realized a 15 month old could be. But I think we've got a stubborn one on our hands. It shouldn't surprise me-- he is, of course, a product of both Chris and me, and we are definitely not passive people. He's currently upstairs in his crib-- growling when he should be napping-- and I'm praying myself through the rest of the day, in which I'm sure we'll have plenty of more fits. I'm praying for more grace, more patience, and definitely more coffee. 


  1. aaww!! He is so cute!! I love his new shoes (and it sounds like he does too!! :))

  2. He is too cute! I love his blonde wispy hair!

  3. he looks so sweet! then again, he's got a mama who knows stylin'... btw wait till he has his first haircut-- there may be tears.... bet he will love flip flops when its summer, my kids did at that age! :-)

  4. How sweet! I love boy shoes... girl shoes are just so GIRLY sometimes! I will say, though, that we're Stride Rite fans. Worth every penny! (We get them on eBay usually for cheaper)

  5. Watch for Stride Rites on Zulily - much more reasonable!

  6. Love the wink from a Grandma, so sweet! I'm scared of all things baby; so expensive! AH!

  7. I always forget about Payless! The only Stride Rites we own have been from garage sales or consignment shops. They're awesome quality, but awesome quality isn't always necessary when you know they'll be outgrown in just a couple of months. Love the new kicks, Si!

    Oh, and you should have seen me with two flailing children in each arm at the park this morning. You would have laughed so hard at me. It was great entertainment.

  8. Oh yes. This stage is so fun & crazy :) ps. The cost of shoes for kids = ridic.

  9. Ahhh yes. That is DEFINITELY a rite of passage. Good for you for recognizing that. Cute shoes! Oh, and BTW- got my skirt the other day and I love it. :)

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. If you are close to a Stride-Rite outlet, you can get them MUCH cheaper, most times two pairs for the price of one regular-price pair.

  12. Ebay and thrift stores have the most awesome, barely worn toddler shoes. The smaller the size, the better you can find (like Toms for $10).

  13. Gosh, he's so stink in' cute. Carrying a screaming kid through a store is always fun and the mall always seems to double in size when mine scream!

  14. Austin is the EXACT same way!! He loves pushing his stroller and won't let us touch it. If we take him away, he kicks and screams. This happened at the airport in the security line at 6am before, it was not pleasant. Now we don't even travel w/ his stroller anymore and have to carry him/make him walk everywhere!! Oh toddlerhood~~ :)

  15. oh my gosh he is just adorable!

  16. Good toddler shoes are always popping up on sites like Zulily and BabySteals. We get almost all our Stride Rites, Pediped, and See Kai Run shoes there!


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