good words:: you are chosen

I was reading in Ephesians the other day and the words I saw in chapter 1, verses 1-14 stuck out to me as if they were already highlighted. I quickly did my own underlining and sketched the words out one by one, so I could remember them. 

Let these words wash over you today, sisters. As women, we so easily place our worth in things that hold no weight. The cleanliness of our homes or children, the success we have or don't have, the number of comments on our blog posts or Instagram feeds. You know what these words say? They call BULL to all that. You and I are blessed, chosen, predestined, marked, adopted, included, purposed and redeemed by a Father who did all these things long before we could ever earn them. And that period at the end? That means His work is done and there is nothing we can do to change that. Soak in that today. 

Yesterday, Silas fell off our bed, facefirst. I called my mom in hysterics and she could barely hear me above Si's own hysterics. His mouth was filled with blood and I was terrified that he had knocked a tooth out or worse. I knew things couldn't be too bad when he started begging for grapes that he saw on the counter. Thankfully, even though he has a fat lip today and a few bruises on his noggin, he seems to be just fine. But all day long, I felt like the worst mom ever. I literally dropped my kid on his head, and that fat lip was a harsh reminder of my failure. Until I came across this sketch again last night and these words reminded me that before the world even began, God chose me to be Silas' mom. He chose me, he blessed me, and my worth is not found in how perfect of a job I can do as a mom, artist, wife or blogger. My worth is found only in God's steady, unfailing love for me. 

Freeing, isn't it?


  1. Great words and a great reminder. It is so easy to get caught up in those little day-to-day failures and forget the bigger picture.

    I'm glad Silas is okay!

  2. Thank you for your courage to share the word boldly. I have those words underlined in my bible and was just reflecting on them this morning. Having a baby that just turned one, I've had many "terrible mom" moments. But to know that by God' grace, he has blessed me with a beautiful boy to mother, no words, just praise to our Savior!

  3. Thank you for that reminder today Lindsay! I needed to hear that encouragement. I've kept up with your blog for years now and am always encouraged by what you write. I felt compelled to comment today and thank you for always being such a cheerful, honest woman of God! :-)
    ~Melissa Bloomberg Snyder

  4. Thank you for the reminder. I needed this today.

  5. God is awesome.

    I'm glad Si is okay.

    I dropped my daughter off the changing table once and caught her upside-down a few inches from the floor. Kids are resilient, and we are forgiven. :)

    YOU are awesome for sharing your faith..and it's one of the many reasons I don't hide you on my FB page, because there is so much noise, I love it when people choose to be noisy about God. Woop! :) So never stop. :)

  6. You have no idea how much I needed to hear this today Lindsay. You are a blessing.

  7. What a great way to start my day...So happy I read this, and what a wonderful mama you are!! Happy Thursday, girl!!


  8. Thank you so much!

    Don't worry about the falling off the bed - my son has done that... bruised, but nothing serious. There was also the time our dog bit him because he was playing with her food. I lost it and felt horribly after that. But I was quickly reminded it means nothing of who I am as a mom. Accidents happen - even as we're standing right next to them :)

  9. Yes. There is such Truth in those verses. Thanks for sharing.

  10. Beautiful! Thank you for sharing. It is so easy to get caught up in all of the other things the world puts in front of us as markers of success. Silas is a lucky dude to have you for a mom!

  11. This post reminded me of 2 Corinthians 12:9 .... But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.

    Great post.

  12. Just the words I needed to read today. Thank you for sharing your heart.

  13. Carter fell the other day on tile right on his nose. The red for three days was a constant reminder that I took my eye away for just one second. I know how you feel but your right God choose us to be these little boys mommas and were blessed with that every day!

  14. I'm sitting here at work hoping that the customers wait to walk in because I have tears streaming down my face. I'm sure my mascara is running with it, but at this point, I'm not worried about it. I've been struggling with ALL of this lately. To the point where I stupidly downloaded a Statigram app on my phone. WHY? Because I was gaging my worth in things that have no eternal value. I needed this reminder of his grace and love today. HIs grace abounds in deepest waters.

    And for you? You are the absolute best momma there could ever be for Silas. I am the absolute best momma for my Caroline. :) xoxo

  15. Beautiful, friend! You're a great mom and falling off the bed or couch or swing set happens to all of us. But it still hurts and stings. Thank you for sharing the word boldly! Xoxo

  16. I remember my oldest son's first fall in the bathtub. That was over 18 years ago and to this day, 3 children later, I still get that feeling in the pit of my stomach when I think about it! Thankfully, he has no memory of the incident ~ and neither will your little one. You are a great Mama!

  17. A great reminder. There's so many powerful words found in God's word. Thanks for pulling that nugget out and sharing it today. I know how you feel, my daughter fell down a flight of stairs last Nov that sent us to the ER one CT scan later... it was aweful, so aweful. But you're right I'm still CHOSEN to be her mom and it's ok.

  18. My church has been studying the book of Ephesians this month and so reading this post hit really close to home (quite literally). Thank you for this sweet reminder on who we are and where our worth, value, and identities really are.

    p.s. I'm so glad Silas is okay, too! That sounds so scary but I'm glad everything seems to be better now! :)

  19. This is so great and soooo important to be reminded of! My church, Mars Hill, studied Ephesians recently as we went through Pastor Mark Driscoll's book, Who Do You Think You Are? It goes really deep into the theme of finding our identity in Christ. This is pivotal as believers in Jesus, or we end up finding our identities in things that bring us anxiety and unrest (our jobs, keepin' up the jones, people-pleasing, etc) and accept the labels that they carry (unworthy, never good enough, etc).

    Your artwork is wonderful!

  20. i have needed to hear this lately. thank you.

  21. YES! Exactly what I needed to hear. Thank you so much for this word


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