this morning.

hearing :: landscape guys working outside // naptime silence from Si's crib
feeling:: sore muscles from my recent workouts // thrilled at this news from my friend
tasting:: warm waffles with nutella and strawberries on the side
seeing:: gorgeous sunshine and blue skies outside // new necklaces and prints in the works for the shop
missing:: our church in Hawaii // my baby bump
thankful for:: Si giving us a 6 hour stretch of sleep last night // fuzzy warm socks from my mom-in-law
excited about:: starting the Boston house hunt // the 1st round of Hello Hue Studio orders to reach their  recipients!


  1. Is the house hunt for you guys? Are you moving to Boston?

    1. Yep! We're moving in just a few months! :)

    2. Love Boston! I lived there for two years. There are so many great things to do and see, especially for little ones.

  2. I got my print yesterday in the mail! I LOVE IT! Thank you so much!

    1. YAY! So glad to hear that! :) Thanks for letting me know, Mary.

  3. i LOVE reading your posts. your morning seems so inspiring and good. my morning was rushed and hectic but you inspire me to slow down, take some pictures, enjoy things just a bit more :)

    good luck with the house hunting! i know how it feels - but thankfully we are finally settled into what should be our last home or our home for a very very very long time LOL.

    1. Thank you Kristy! That's seriously so encouraging to me! It wasn't a perfect morning (I didn't mention the major diaper blowout or fussy teething crying...) but I do try to enjoy my mornings with Si as much as possible!

      Oh man, I bet that feels good to be in a "forever" home, or "almost forever" anyway. We're a long ways off from that!

  4. Mmmm waffles, strawberries & nutella? Sounds like heaven to me :)

  5. Love this little glimpse into your morning. Also - yay Si! 6 hours is HUGE!

    1. I know, right?! We were both floored. Praying this is the beginning of the end to his sleep strike!

  6. Yes to everything Lindsey Kubly just said - that girl is spot on.

    Also, how did I not know you were moving to Boston? I missed this HUGE news?! You are moving there the right time of year...after most of winter. :)

    1. Isn't she the sweetest?? :)

      I guess I never really made an official announcement on the blog. I've just mentioned it here and there. We're super excited about it and yes, moving in May, so we get to ease into the COLD winter instead of moving in the middle of it!

  7. Love this little sensory recap post, what a great idea. And what is this Boston House Hunt you speak of?! Sounds ubber exciting!!

  8. 6 hours is GLORIOUS when they’re little! Yay, Si!

    Boston proper or Boston suburbs?! I vote for my little town: quite historical {first battle flag of the American Revolution} and so very family-friendly! C’mon, come to Bedford!

    1. 6 hours is truly amazing since he's been waking up every 2 for a month and half!

      Not sure what the Boston Proper line is, but looks like Bedford is quite a bit further out than we are looking.

    2. Well, wherever you choose, you just can’t go wrong ... happy house hunting! I think you’ll love Boston in the springtime!

  9. Woot, I got my magnet yesterday and it is SO CUTE. Thank you!

  10. House Hunts are excited! Boston is the top of my list of cities I want to visit! I'm sure you will love being in the same part of the country as your family, even if it is still a bit away! Hugs!

  11. High fives si for giving mama some much needed sleep :)

  12. looks like a perfect morning! those waffles look delicious!

  13. Hi Lindsay, I absolutely love the Aloha print you are working on, will this be going into your shop? And if it does do you ship to Australia?

  14. Love the looks of that Hawaii print. We didn't live there but visited a few times and Oahu just gets into your soul a little and you fall in love :) Can't imagine having lived there and having to leave like you an Katie. Hope your new home becomes just as wonderful for you! em

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