it's the little things:: in our home

I am not an organized person. Neither is Chris. This means that at least once weekly (usually twice), our house gets to a ridiculous state of cluttered. At the moment, I'm sitting on the couch taking a break from clearing the clutter (piles of folded laundry, sink full of dirty dishes, baby toys everywhere!) to stop in here and say hi.

Since the current state of our home was making my eyes twitch, I thought I'd use today's little things post to focus on the little bits of our home that make me smile. Because amidst the mess, I really love our bright, light filled house and I'm so thankful we have a warm home. 

I love bathtime with Si. Mostly because he loves it so much. It's fun to see him splashing and I can't wait to take him swimming this summer. He's a champ when we dunk him underwater briefly (usually comes up smiling!) and I think he's gonna be a little waterbaby.

My little berry basket full of washi tape. So much color and potential for making things pretty.

Butter definitely makes me happy, but more specifically, this butter dish we bought from our favorite store in St. Augustine. It's hand-painted in Mexico and I think it's beautiful.

This print by Katygirl is not only encouraging in and of itself, but it was given to me by Lindsay after this post. So, it also speaks to me even deeper about the beauty of this blogging community and how sweet it is to be encouraged by other women who know just where you are.

party rules.

1. Only link to your specific blog post, not to your blog's main page. See here for more explanation. 

2. Grab a button and/or include a link back to this post so your readers can come see what the fun is all about! You can find the code for the button on the sidebar or on the "little things" page.

3. Make sure you visit (and comment) on other posts linked up-- what fun is a party if no one talks to each other? Make some new friends! 

4.  Please make sure your post is relevant to this party and is actually a "little things" post (ie. no giveaways, random posts from last month, etc.). 


  1. Need some of that washi tape! Where do you find all those? And I know I should probably know this but is it the same as craft tape? And if so, why do they change the name?

  2. I love finding little things like this throughout my house that speak so loudly to me like yours do to you! And your collection of washi tape, is so amazing! I have just started mine and can't seem to get enough of it!!

  3. I've been so blown away by the warmth of the blogging community this week too - so amazing how women can be so welcoming and friendly and uplifting! Love that print. PS I'm HORRIBLE at organization too and our house gets so cluttered so fast. Ugh. Gotta focus on the pretty spots to not get overwhelmed :) Linked up from :)em

  4. I have a bowl from Mexico that matches your butter dish!

  5. Gorgeous photos. This is my first time linking up for the Little Things post, which is quite excitig :). I can relate to the mess and clutter around the home but none of us live in a picture perfect 'show home' do we? Well, maybe some people do, but none that I know! :) I love the little octopus and turtle by the way!

  6. Lindsay! I'm just getting into this world of blogging and learning how to "link up." Thanks for being an inspiration and indirectly teaching me. xoxo

  7. actually, it's pretty direct. thank you for directly teaching me! hehe =)

  8. That is an amazing collection of Washi Tape! I remember when I could only find it online, now it taunts me at every store I go to. It's so hard not to buy ALL of it!

    Thanks for the amazing link up! I look forward to it every Friday :)

    Nicky @ The Fat Cat Kitchen

  9. that print, may it CONTINUE (Col 2: 6-7) to be an encouragement in this season of Chris being gone.


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