snow day.

I was giddy over the weekend when I peeked at my Accuweather app and saw that snow was forecasted for yesterday. Just as I was pouring my coffee and praying for Silas to sleep a tad longer, the flurries starting falling. And those big flakes fell through the whole day. Not much stuck until yesterday evening, but that didn't matter a whole lot to us.

I wish you could have seen Silas when I took him to his bedroom window to see the snow falling. It took him a minute to figure out what I was trying to get him to look at, but then for the next six hours, he made me hold him up to every single window to get a look at that 'no. For half the morning, I thought he was just being ornery and saying no to everything I did. He does that anyway, so it wasn't out of the ordinary. That is, until, I realized he was saying 'snow'. Duh. 

After his nap, we dressed up in about 14 layers, I wrestled his new boots on his little feet, and we ventured out into the cold. I mean, I consider myself to have a pretty good foothold on the wonder and awe of things, but seeing the snow through his eyes was magical, you guys. Watching his little tomato -soup-stained face light up, and the snowflakes falling on his lashes. Just about bust me open with the sweetness of the moment.

His excitement actually surprised me a little bit, considering he has a severe abhorrence of bubble baths.  He loves baths, but the bubbles freak him out a lot.

And lest you think it was all gumdrops and snowflakes out there, our little walk in the snow ended with a tantrum. Don't ask me what it was about-- I don't pretend to understand the toddler mind. He recovered quickly, as usual, but let me tell you, it was really difficult to lug a mini StayPuff Marshmallow man down the street. Slippery little fellow.


  1. Silas didn't want his day w/the snow to end! :-).... cute photos as always...

  2. aww how adorable in his snowsuit and boots

  3. Where ever did you find those little man boots? I need some for my Nolan!!

  4. Oh, I can't wait to teach my girl about 'no! :) Love how you keep it real, girl! What fun, this being a momma thing.

  5. how the heck did we get all the snow and you guys didn't?!?! ;)

  6. Where did you get those boots?? I have been looking all over to find some for my son, but can't find any that are actual snow boots.

  7. Awww. Your little man looks like he loved the snow. What a cutie!!! (Sorry about the tantrum, though) ;-)

  8. I adore your puffy little marshmallow man!! I can't wait to share snow with my babe. We're stationed in San Diego so we'll have to travel to see the white stuff but oh how she would love it! Happy weekend!


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