just a blog post.

It's been a long time since I've written a blog post just for the sake of writing. I was reading over some old posts recently and that always gets me nostalgic. For the days when there was real community in the comments section, for the posts when I wrote about really dumb details about my days and when blogging was simpler. For the times when I didn't care if my pictures were perfect, or if my writing was funny enough. I just posted to share and to remember.

I'd love to get back to writing again. About the everyday stuff. Those are the posts I love to re-read years later. I miss that. 

So here goes. Nothing fancy, just a blog post. 

Last Monday night, we were at a friends' house and Silas fell and bit his tongue. Mouth wounds bleed a lot, and even though I know that-- every time he busts a lip or something, I panic just a little. We determined that we didn't need a hospital trip, but boy, that was a rough night. He screamed in pain for about an hour before going to sleep that night and it broke my heart. With a tongue wound, there's really nothing you can do, and I felt so helpless. He was a wreck all week, which meant, so was I. By Friday, his smile returned and I could tell he was feeling better. Thankfully, it seems to be healing really well, but of course, now he's come down with a cold and he's still working on those four molars. Poor kid can't catch a break. 

Let's pray that we're getting all the bloody incidents and snotty sicknesses out of the way for our Hawaii trip next week. We'll be flying to San Diego to spend a few days with my little sister before hopping over to Oahu for Christmas with Chris' family. The sun, island breezes, and waves are calling my name. I've been hanging out with Jillian Michaels the past few weeks. Not so much because I want a bikini-body again (let's face it, not gonna happen.), but gosh, I miss surfing and at this point, I have my doubts about being able to even carry my board down the beach, much less paddle out and catch a wave. I have dim hopes that a few workouts with Jillian will buy me a wave or two.

PS. Any toddler flying tips you want to share would be awesome. I'm skeered. 

Even though we're leaving next week, I convinced Chris that we should still put up a Christmas tree. Granted, it's three feet tall, (Chris wanted to go even smaller for a tree we'll enjoy for a week) which looks almost comical in our big living room. But Silas is enthralled with it, and the twinkly lights in the corner wake up my inner child. Right now, out the window behind the tree, I can see snow falling. Our first snow fall of the year. If it doesn't get rained on before Silas wakes up, I'll bundle him up Christmas-Story style, and we'll head out to get a closer look. My guess is, he'll either freak out, and want to go inside or want to stay out forever even though his poor old mom has icicle fingers. 


  1. I love your writing, Lindsay!! Every time I read your blog, my day is instantly brighter!! :)


    1. You're the sweetest, Katherine. Thanks for being such a long-time reader! xo!

  2. I miss the old days of blogging, too. The ones where we could toss all the mundane out there and it'd be enough.

    Toddler flying tips? I've got a few. ;)
    Snacks... more than you think you need- for him and for you.
    A pen and a notepad. Believe it or not- play-doh, if he's at an age where he won't eat it.
    I usually hit up the dollar spot at Target, and buy a handful of cheap toys. Then I won't care if we lose a few under the aisle, or if the kid next to gets away with one...
    Socks- for keeping toes warm, and for hand-puppets!

    So excited to hear that you're going back to Hawaii for Christmas.

    1. GREAT tips! That's exactly what I needed. Sock puppets and play-doh. He loves play-doh, but I wouldn't have thought to bring it on the plane. Thanks Sidnie!

  3. Replies
    1. Actually, your blog post the other day got me thinking a lot about it over the weekend. About the simplicity of just writing-- not for anyone else! So, thanks for writing that-- I'm definitely excited to write more.

  4. when flying or driving a long distance with the my kids, I would always go to the dollar section of the stores and pick up little toys, and wrap them up and every so often give them to unwrap. I know why wrap them up...cause it takes a little longer for them to get to it. So those and a mix of snacks, drinks, movies, etc. Also having him drink while taking off and landing helps with the pressure in the ears (or if he takes a pacifier or nuk...that works too.)

    1. Yes, the dollar spot is on my to-do list before we head to the airport next week!

  5. I have taken Katelyn, currently 18 months, on 30 plus planes, but we haven't flown in 5 months. So I am curious to see how our trip in a couple of days goes. For the plane ride, I have craft pom poms, sticky hands, silly putty, stickers, snowman window cling (they stick to the tray table I am told), mini magna doodle, twist up crayons (they won't break), mini thing of play doh, 2 paint sample cards of multiple colors (even if they don't know how to match them they can play with them and they are free), a Mickey color wonder knock off that only colors on the magic paper, a mini puppy calendar (Katelyn LOVES dogs) most of these things were in the dollar section of Target recently. I also take 3-4 new board books, or books I have hidden for a week or so before the trip. I love the DK brand "My first .... Board Book. They have tons of pictures to point at and learn. I will also be bringing two Hot Wheels cars to play with. I also let Katelyn play with the magazines and brochures in the back of the seat, but I try to wait on those for a last resort. They have many more to replace the ones Katelyn tears up. I have her find the dogs in the Sky Mall magazine and I point out all the things I see. Peek a Boo with a small blanket works too. If it is a long flight, we walk up and down the isle too. You can bring an unopened bottle of water through security if you state it's "for the baby". Also a full sippy cup and snacks (Katelyn loves freeze dried strawberries). And if Silas decides he doesn't like the plane, don't worry about what others are thinking, just comfort your baby boy and don't stress out. :) O, and I also heard too about wrapping everything to use up more time. Safe travels and Merry Christmas! ~Bethany N.

    1. Hey Bethany! Love these ideas! Thanks for sharing! We've also been on tons of planes with Silas as a baby, but it's going to be a whole different ballgame with him now that he's so active. I bet I'll be putting all these ideas to use!

  6. When my kids were younger, I too stocked up on the snacks and dollar section items. I always took rolls or books of stickers and small blank paper pads. My kids loved just peeling off the stickers and putting them on the paper. It kept them busy and quiet and they were easy to toss as they come by with the trash bag. :) Another favorite is those "magic pads" they have right now in the Target Dollar section. The pen only works on the paper and it brings out color where ever they "color" so they get excited about it. It's like the Color Wonder Crayons by Crayola that only work on the paper. Love those for when they are older and want to draw/color as then you don't have to worry about it getting dropped down the front of their clothes. I also love the triangular crayons for when they do color, they don't roll off the trays. I keep those in our "restaurant/dr/need something to do while we wait" bag. I also carried the dum dum lollipops when my kids were old enough to have them, it keeps them quiet and works similar to the gum for take off and landings. My kids are 6 and 9 now and we just flew over Thanksgiving for the first time in about 2 yrs. I was amazed at the difference just 2 years made, SO much easier, BUT my kids still needed their snacks and lollipops only this time they just watched movies on the Ipad since it was just a 2 hr flight. Have fun in Hawaii, I'm sure it will be a wonderful time.

  7. Have fun in Hawaii! I could use some sunshine right about now, too. We've had rain and more rain. They said the other day that if all of our rain had been snow it would have been 48 inches worth. Anyway, have a great time on your trip!

  8. Loved this post; thank you for sharing!!!

  9. I LOVE these types of posts. My blog is full of them and sometimes I wonder if that's why I have no followers - LOL. Is it too personal? Do people not care about what's going in my life? Does everyone want crafts and recipes!? But then I stop and remember that I blog for myself, although having an audience seems fun. I love to go back and read my previous posts and remember the day I did this or the time I did that. I feel like I write how I talk too, so sometimes I go back and read something and laugh and think, "that's totally something I would say". =]
    Anyway, have fun in Hawaii! I grew up there! I'm currently in NC but I spent nine years in Hawaii - from before Kindergarten to ninth grade!

    ( If responding to my comment, please email or comment a blog post of mine. Unfortunately I do not get email notifications when there is a response to my comment. I just found this out and I'm totally bummed thinking about how many responses I've missed! =[ )

  10. First off, hubby and I flew to Uganda with a 2 yr old and a 1 yr old, it wasn't awful! My kids are used to milk before naps so I brought formula for that ( not sure how you do things) don't bring toys with loose able parts ;) an etch a. Sketch is super fun. Always have water fir take off and landing, I have my kids drinking or snacking and have not had any ear problems! Since you will have long flights, don't anticipate naps, consider them a gift if you get them! My daughter was awake for 23 hrs straight!!! Relax, laugh, get creative with distractions! You'll make it!

  11. Oh, it's so hard to see the little ones in pain--but their rough and tumble lives lend themselves well to little accident! Good to know he's feeling better!!

  12. Love hearing about your adventures. Yay for the return of regular blog posts. Have a wonderful time in Hawaii. We are going to Maui in March. Can't wait!

  13. Flying with a toddler...if Si has his own backpack, pack it with small toys wrapped up (to make them last longer). We like triangle crayons (don't roll), stickers from teacher stores (easier to peel off the airplane if it gets a bit crazy), silly putty, mini magnetic trains/cars, stacking cups, and I am tempted to buy a mini baking sheet for our next flight and alphabet letters.

    Also, I "decant" lots of snacks into small bags so I'm not opening big packages each time someone is hungry and I try things we all like, raisins, goldfish, carrot sticks, quaker granola bars, because they are the least messy/crumbly.

    I also ask the flight crew to fill up water bottles for all of us or do it before we board because having a kid on your lap can make you overheated faster.

    Basically, just email me if you have any other questions. Behr has flown about 30 times and Hudson a handful as well.

  14. Also, put your finger under your ear lobe, slightly behind and find the depressed area -- if altitude changes are a problem, rub here on Silas.

  15. J michaels is not a joke my friend. You will be prepared.

  16. Toddler travel advice: Don't stress, take your time. Pack lots of snacks. Dum Dum suckers work good for take off and landing. But they get messy and sticky, so bring lots of baby wipes. Pack an extra set of clothes for Silas, and an extra shirt for you just in case!! Board books. Matchbox cars. Coloring book and crayons. Portable DVD player or Ipad with kids movies downloaded. I always take an extra sippy cup. Si's favorite blanket or stuffed animal for comfort.
    If you can sit in the exit row there is usually lots of extra leg room. Not sure how long your flight from CA to HI is, but these seats come in handy if you have a toddler who wont sit still for too long!
    Hope some of these can help. And enjoy your trip!

  17. We just did an 18 hour trip to Korea with an almost-two-year-old. The Kindle/iPad is your friend.

  18. I've been thinking on this post since you wrote it. I think that a social media share is the new comment - which is maybe a blessing and a curse. It's great when people share because that brings more people to the table, yet sometimes it can feel like a quiet space when nobody is talking.


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