special edition influence conference notebooks for pre-order!

At the end of September, I'll be flying out to Indianapolis and meeting up with over 300 creative, talented and generous-hearted women at the Influence Conference. At the moment, I'm feeling a bit nervous since I'll be leaving Silas overnight for the first time. (Ah, I get weepy whenever I think about it!) And I'm feeling a little overwhelmed too, as I paint my heart out to create inventory for the Sashes Market. I'm also a bit worried that I'm gonna look like a fool as I participate as one of the 'Accessible Experts' in the panel on Saturday afternoon. 

But mostly, I'm so stoked to hug the girls that have become my blog and shop buddies over the past few years, to hear truth and strategy spoken in the sessions, and to talk with my fellow entrepreneurs about making much of our faith in this crazy online world. 

I really hope that I'll get to meet some of my readers that have a part of Hello Hue (or Aisle to Aloha-- remember those days?!) for so many years. I would love to chat face-to-face and see this Hello Hue community in real-live 3D action. Are you going? Will I get to hug you?? 

Of course, if you are going, you should expect to take tons of notes, because the speakers are seriously phenomenal. And you'll need a cute notebook to take notes in right?! 


I've created two special edition notebooks just for Influence Conference attendees! The notebooks are available NOW for pre-order at a special low price. Each notebook is hand-painted with designs and colors inspired by the Influence Conference branding and features a quote that I love by the poet Mary Oliver. They measure 3.5x5.5 and are filled with ruled paper. 

This is also a sneaky little way that ensures I get to meet you guys. I'll be bringing all purchased notebooks to the conference and handing them out there. (They won't be shipped out to you beforehand!) I'm offering them at a special price and you won't be paying shipping either, so it's a great deal if you've been eyeing the notebooks in the shop! 

Ready to pre-order your Influence Conference notebook? They'll only be available for a limited time! 

Oh, and if you're not attending the conference, we'll miss you! If there's interest, I'll offer these notebooks afterwards, so let me know if you'd like to snag one. 

PS. This promo isn't sponsored in any way by the Influence Network. Just thought it would be a fun product to offer my fellow attendees! 


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