hi, sorry I'm late!

Alright, I was going to attempt to ease away from blabbing about the Influence Conference, but I was just clicking around the Meet+ Greet linkup that was posted on the blog last week and felt the need to jump in-- even though it's completely last minute! This community means a lot to me and the women in it are so talented, gracious and inspiring. I'm a major hugger, so if we meet, just be prepared for a big hug! 

Two things I'll be bringing:: 

Lots of handmade jewelry and accessories to plan my outfits around:: It's no secret that I love handmade. I'm excited to brag on some of my favorite artists and show my support for the beautiful handmade community I get to be a part of. Also, I'm pretty excited to break out my favorite necklaces and earrings that rarely are worn around Si. 

Archer Farms' Dark Chocolate Espresso trail mix:: That stuff is my weakness. And what kind of person would I be if I didn't bring some to share? Track me down if you need chocolate and we can bond over trail mix. 

Two things I'm looking forward to::

Seeing blog friends come to life. I love meeting online friends and discovering how alike (or different) they are from what I imagined. Then I get to read their blog in their voice from then on. The internet is real, people.

Sitting in on the Accessible Experts panel with Natalie, Nicole and Erin! Not gonna lie, I'm nervous that I'll look like a buffoon, but excited for the chance to share some of the good stuff I've learned (through trial and error) over the past four years of blogging! 

And now that I've answered those questions, I've got two for you-- 

I'm interested to get an idea of the kinds of questions that might be asked at the panel. I'll be speaking about blog and shop branding, and there will be a wide range of other topics covered like virtual assistants, blog strategy, working with sponsors, etc. If you could ask any blog/shop related question at a panel, what would you ask? 

Also, I'll be leaving Silas for the first time overnight and I'm a bit of a mess about it. Got any encouragement or advice for me? Does it make things better or worse to video chat? Is there any way I can prepare him for the separation? 

Okay friends. I'm off to clean up my mess of a studio and work on a ginormous pile of laundry that's on our bed. Hope you have a great Monday! 


  1. hi, my name is kim and i've read your blog for a long time...like when you were in hawaii and you were aisle to aloha. i'm a big fan and can't wait to meet you at influence. i was also wondering if we could maybe take some outfit pictures together. wouldn't that be fun? i'm working on my serious face, so hopefully we can find a cool wall.

    blog related question: are paid sponsorships for people who don't have shops worth it?

    non blog related question: how are your arms so slim? you're one hot mom.

    i'm also going to sneak into your room and eat all your trail mix and oreos.

  2. i've wanted to go to the influence conference since i stumbled upon the influence network this time last year. so jealous! maybe next year it'll be in the cards for me.

    have fun!

  3. Yay! Totally on board with the trail mix! :) I know it's going to be really hard leaving Silas, but I think it's good that you are "easing him in." My sister has an (almost) 3 year old, and she is pregnant with her second. She is trying to plan a sleepover because Lucy (3) has never been away from them before...my sister doesn't want Lucy's first sleepover to be while she is away at the hospital. My sister is totally having one of those "I should have done this earlier!" Moments! :( I'm sure it's hard, though. But worth it....? :) Excited to meet you!

  4. Our first time away from our son was when he was 2 and we went to Korea to bring his sister home. We did do a video chat with him and it was hard for both of us when he wanted to give me a hug and couldn't, my parents also said he was sad after we had to say goodbye and kept asking when he could see mama and daddy? -But it was good to see him and talk with him. (so I know I am being a ton of help) We were gone for a week and only did 1 chat we wanted to do one more but skype was down. Really - I say do what you want to do... if you feel like you need to see your baby do a video chat! :)

  5. Hey Lindsay! You are so adorable, I LOVE your hair. If I chop my hair off again, I would want it do what yours is doing in your pics.

    I am getting more and more excited for the conference...this panel is sounding great!

    My Qs are more on the technical side: hosting/domains/platform...doing your own shop or going with Etsy? Figuring out hosting (on a TIGHT budget) is probably the most overwhelming thing for me in working towards a website/blog/shop.

    Oh, and thanks for your sweet comment on my linkup post. I had/still have great plans for that blog...time just flies by sometimes.

  6. hi I am Brazilian and I love your blog,you're beautiful.

  7. Hi, Yes, Video Chat helps :) Do it. See you in Indy. Safe travels.

  8. I'm very excited to listen in on the Experts panel, I'm sure that whatever you guys are talking about specifically, I'll be learning, because there's a lot I don't know about this little blogging business!


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