creativity and rest.

For the past few weeks, if Silas is asleep, you can usually find me here, in my studio. The morning is the best, when the sunlight comes through those windows and makes the space all glowy. I'm just really loving my creative time lately and the excitement of getting ready for Influence Conference. I'm selling in the Sashes Market and since it's my first market experience ever, I'm a big ball of nerves-- excited nerves, but lots of 'Oh, I hope I'm doing this right and people like my stuff!' kind of nerves too. It's a totally different ball game preparing my work to be picked up, touched and seen with real live eyes. Pretty cool.

I've been busy preparing for the physical side of things for the conference-- products for the market, planning outfits, trying my hardest to master curling my hair with a curling wand (not happening...). I've realized the past few days that my heart needs some prep time too. It's been really easy to get caught up in the busyness and excitement of it all, but this week, I'm craving a little bit of quiet in my heart. There's not much rest around here lately-- there's a lot of chasing Silas, cleaning the house, prepping for the conference, working on DIY projects, and when I have a chance to sit, I'm usually playing on Instagram. Maybe you can relate to that. Do you ever feel like you just need some time to quiet your heart and breathe? To NOT be capturing every sweet moment for Instagram or working towards completing some to-do list? It's been quite some time since I've sat still and prayed without multi-tasking, or my mind racing in a million directions.

This past week, I read an Instagram comment that read, "So-and-so is a woman who hears from the Lord!' It caught my eye and I realized what a beautiful compliment that was. I got this great burden on my heart to be that kind of woman. But maybe what's getting in the way of that is simply that I'm not resting in Him? That my brain is too full of 'what to dos' and there's not enough room for His voice?

I had a completely different kind of post planned out in my head, but this is how it came out when I started to type. How do you find moments of rest during busy times? How do you clear your heart to hear His voice?


  1. I tend to be a high-energy person, with a love for multi-tasking, but I definitely come across those times when I just need to be quiet and rest.

    1. I'm the same way, Rachel! Always multi-tasking. It gets tiresome sometimes though, doesn't it?

  2. Hi Lindsey! I've been following your blog for quite a while now and I'm trying to be better about commenting! I can relate to this. Though I'm not chasing around a one year old, I still find that I long for more time to just relax. Could be because I haven't had a vacation in a few years. But I find my moments to listen to God come sporatically. On the way to and from work, while in the pool at swim practice maybe. I feel that God likes to speak to me during conversations with other people. (He knows I'm a talker) I'm working on taking moments to be quiet and wait on him, and that can be challenging because I always feel like I should be "doing something". Happy almost Friday.

    ps love the rug!

  3. So inspired by this. Your work space and your art -- and your heart! -- are beautiful. Have a wonderful time at the Influence Conference!!!

  4. Amen lady - my exact season right now. The market, the outfits, the blogging, the trying to still be a great wife and mother and daughter of Him ... it's tiring. So glad your creative time has been awesome, though. Praying for your heart (and mine ha!) over the next two weeks! Hope to meet you there!!

  5. Hey Lindsey,

    I can totally relate to you. While I work a full time job, I decided I want to invest more in my little cards shop, and that I want to go back to school. Every day is a long list of to dos in my head, and I find it so hard to sit down and pray. However, I just recently post on my blog about "solo time" (a time I take to read the Bible, pray, scribble in my journal, listen the Lord. It's hard to be still for couple of moments, but my heart is in so much better shape afterwards that when my solo time is done I can't wait to plan for the next one..:) another trick I found, if I have a down time at work (it happens very rarely) then I pray, or I open my Bible App. Also, I subscribed to Gail's emails to receive a Bible Love Note every day (she write short devotionals and posts them on her blog,

    And about the market, don't you worry!!! You are so on top of things!!.. And your products are great!!! I have subscribed for a small local craft festival and I'm all over the place..

  6. hi! love the blog. I'm pretty sure we go to the same church in quincy, ma. we lead the life group in weymouth. I'd love to connect with you sometime! I've been blogging for a while myself, and it's hard to find other people who share this interest.

  7. those mini canvases are my favorite!


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