silas at {almost} 10 months

At almost 10 months (he'll hit that mark on June 10), this kiddo has us cracking up all day at his goofy faces and hilarious personality. 

He's crawling at lightning speed, standing up with support and cruising along furniture. 

He says 'Dada' all the time and I'm anxiously awaiting 'Mama'. Right now, I'm 'Bob'. I kind of like 'Bob' though. 

He's a little mooch and points and gasps whenever he sees food he wants. I can't put anything in my mouth these days without him wanting some too. He's got 8 teeth and his favorite foods are bananas, fig bars, and rotisserie chicken. 

He's working on throwing a ball, waving, and pointing, but seems to have very little interest in walking by himself. 

We're getting a little more sleep around here, but I don't think he'll get into better stretches until we can get into our own house and start sleep-training him. He's taking two naps a day (when we're not out running around!) We've been traveling almost non-stop for the past 8 months and I imagine having a little more consistency will be great for all of us. 

He went through a little bit of 'stranger-danger' last month, but I think a lot of that was just being overwhelmed with all of his family wanting to hug and smooch on him. Once he got used to that, he's been great and loves being held by his Papa (my dad) and Grandma (Chris' mom). 

I really should be better at writing in his baby book. Once we get into our house (hopefully at the end of this month!!), I'll unpack that puppy and get writing before I forget everything. 

Joining Blair in her new linkup series, Life Lately! 


  1. awww he is soo cute!! Austin had stranger anxiety about the same age too.. actually he still kinda has it!! but i think it's b/c we had him on the SAME routine FOREVER and then once we started taking him out more, he was scared of everything! we are working on it though!! it will be great for silas to have a routine tho and easier for you toO!!

    1. Aw, I can see how that would bring out more of the stranger-danger. I think it has to do a lot with their personalities too! Silas is DEFINITELY a people person, so that phase didn't last too long!

  2. i have a bag of things i keep putting stuff in for M's baby book... if that makes you feel any better. i haven't even done one page!!

    that sweet boy of yours really is a charmer, Bob!

    would LOVE for you to come link this post up with my new Life Lately. link up. It's every Monday -- but I got excited and already published it tonight! :)

    1. Oh, I haven't started on a single page either! I'm banking on the fact that I record everything on IG and my blog, so hopefully I can backtrack and write down his milestones!!

      Just linked up with you! Love your photography, friend!

  3. He is just adorable, and growing up so quickly!!

  4. He is seriously one of the cutest babies EVER! And I love that he calls you Bob... Ha! :)

  5. He is such an adorable little boy!! You are going to have so much fun with him!

  6. i love his fuzzy hair blowing in the breeze...too sweet. It really feels like this little guy grew up way to fast.

  7. He is getting so big! Don't feel guilty about the baby book thing, Josiah's is empty and Chia doesn't even have one. I already gave up. Because we've got our blogs and IG, I'll be looking to those for when I can finally put something together. haha

  8. He's so cute! And getting so big.

  9. I can't believe how big he's getting!

  10. He's adorable! I always have low grade mommy guilt for not having baby books for my girls, but one of these days, I'll make them each a list of their major milestones (I just write them on the regular calendar :))!


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