a much needed break.

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A few weeks ago, we took the ferry across the Long Island Sound to stay at Chris' grandmother's cottage. I've been hearing about this place since w   e begandating 7 years ago. As soon as we pulled up, I felt as if I was walking into scenery from a book I'd read. Having heard so many stories over the years, the place was finally coming alive to me, and it was so much more magical than I even imagined. A bright cheery cottage, sitting on top of a hill that ends in a private beach. Smooth pebbles as far as you can see and giant, algae covered boulders sitting in the water. A lobster dinner, followed by frozen lemonade pie for dessert. And late night conversations with Grandma about everything under the sun. Needless to say, it was a welcomed break from our hotel living.


  1. Beautiful pictures! It looks so incredibly peaceful!

  2. I bet Grandma was proud to see her great grandson!. Beautiful photos as always...

  3. Such beautiful photos! (As always.) I just got a really nice camera and I'd love to know more how to use it. Have you ever done a series on how you shoot such great photos? I'd love a little Hello Hue Photography 101!

    You've got a beautiful family and I'm glad you've been able to get a little escape from hotel living. Good luck with the new house!

  4. It looks like a spot out of the movies. Beautiful!
    Such a welcome getaway I am sure.
    But the house will be ready soon enough! And no more hotels for a while hopefully!

  5. This place is beautiful and so relaxing. Glad you had a great time.

  6. oh my! this looks absolutely dreamy!
    beautiful photos!
    Silas looks so happy and cute! was he walking barefoot on the pebbles???

  7. That sounds (and looks) amazing! I can imagine that it was a welcome break. Living in a hotel only sounds good in theory, at least that would be my guess.

  8. such a beautiful place! so glad you got to take a break from hotel living. :)


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