
Today, after we sign some papers, we get the keys to this beautiful place and we get to call it home. You should have seen Si exploring it last night as we did our last walk-through. He checked every nook and cranny and was pretty excited about the whole thing. I practically skipped through the whole place myself. I can't wait to show you more and I'll definitely be sharing the process of making it our very own. 

We won't have internet for a few days, so if you wanna check in with us, come follow me on Instagram or Twitter. Happy weekend! 


  1. Congrats- it looks beautiful, and I am sure the memories made there will be perfect.

  2. yea! let the memories begin! i know you will make it beautiful!

  3. how exciting! enjoy every bit, I'm happy for you :)

  4. That porch! Those steps! My word! It's going to be so much fun! Congrats girl!!!

  5. yay! so happy for you guys. you have waited so patiently and it makes me really happy to see you in your new place. enjoy all the adventures of unpacking and setting up your new nest. God is so good!


  6. Congrats Lindsay! I've been following your family's journey for a few years and love that you've finally been able to settle down in a place to officially call home! Yay to no more hotels! Happy Friday!

  7. It's a beautiful home from what you've shown! Congratulations!!

  8. I just recently bought a house! It's so much fun and its so exciting!! The process of making it yours never ends! I want to paint and decorate something new each day. Love the pictures, it looks super cute!

  9. Yay congratulations for you, can't wait for a tour!

  10. Great choice for your house. Love the wood.

  11. So exciting!! Can't wait to see how you decorate it!

  12. Sooo exciting! I cannot wait to see how you decorate!

  13. LOVE your new house! I especially love all the windows and the stain glass! Hope you enjoy living in my hometown! :)

  14. Congrats on the new place! Can't wait to see how you make it home :)

  15. Congrats! What an amazing feeling to finally be getting setteled. All the best to you & your family!


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