What's Going on With Me.

On twitter last Saturday, I said something dramatic and cryptic like "This is the first day of the rest of my life." Of course, I should have known better, because everyone and their mother assumed that meant I was preggo.

I'm not.

Yet. :)

But, I am starting a new sort of journey and I thought I would share that with you all today. It's not nearly as exciting as pregnancy, so don't hold your breath or anything.

Last week, I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism. 

(See? Not really all that dramatic or exciting.)

I went in for a pretty routine blood test and got a call the next day that I had elevated TSH levels in my blood. That meant about the same thing to me as it probably means to you reading it right now. So, I did a little googling and a little frantically calling my mom and went in to see my doc on Friday. She was really great about answering my long list of questions and I felt very comfortable with her.

So what is hypothyroidism? Yeah, I'm still working on figuring that out. Hypothyroidism (as compared to hyper-) means that my thyroid is not making enough hormones. The thyroid is a bit complicated and I'm still learning about it, but basically it deals with all sorts of hormone levels and metabolism in our bodies.

Thankfully, I haven't really had many pronounced symptoms of hypothyroidism (like weight gain, sluggishness, swollen limbs, low heart rate). And another good thing is that with daily meds, it's a pretty manageable thing. But if I do get pregnant, it has a huge effect on a developing baby so I'll need to be checked out very often. I'm also at a higher risk of developing other auto-immune diseases, especially as my mom deals with hypothyroidism and another auto immune disease as well.

So this is all kind of new and a bit daunting to deal with (especially with Chris being away), but I'm comforted in the fact that my Creator knows every miniscule thing that goes on in my body and in my heart. And none of this is new or surprising to Him!

 I'm not looking for sympathy comments or anything of the sort but since you are my bloggy family (and some of you are actually blood family), just wanted to let you know what's going on over here.

Also going on in in the casa -- preparations for Chris' home coming!! Still can't say when the exact day is but we are down to just a few weeks here, people. And I'm pretty giddy just thinking about it...

PS. Don't forget to say aloha to my sweet sponsor, Three Leaves Toys in the post below!


  1. Lindsay, This is just one little bump in the road and yet another reason you are one of the most inspiring women I know! Love you!

  2. My sister was just diagnosed with that not to long ago. I honestly don't know much about it. I hope you get it all squared away!
    And, yay for homecomings! So excited for you!

  3. First, I am so happy for you that the hubby is coming home soon!

    Second, although you are no looking for it I am sending my sympathy. Going through anything medical is never easy. It sounds like you have a possitive outlook on what is to come and I beleive that that always helps. I'm sending extra possitive thoughts your way!

    God Bless!

  4. It sounds like you're taking the steps you need to to be healthy and to make sure your future little ones are okay too. Kudos to you!

  5. Welcome to the hypothyroid club. ;-) I was diagnosed after a routine blood test in college. It came as quite a surprise; people tend to think of hypothyroidism as a middle-aged lady disease, but there are more of us young folks than you'd think. Once you get your dosage right, you should notice quite a positive change; I had thought it was normal to be tired, have dry skin, have heavy periods, etc., but a lot of seemingly unrelated things cleared up once I went on levothyroxine. It hasn't adversely affected my life in any way more severe than taking a daily pill and having periodic blood draws. Good luck with getting your levels stable!

  6. I SO can relate on this post!! I found out I was hypo also the day I found out I was pregnant! (May 08) They couldn't do much for me until after I gave birth, and everything came out well. I've had my weight go down which I was super happy about then took the radiation pill and my weight went UP UP UP. (50 lbs up) So, now today I working on it to go back down..and now my thyroid is lower than normal..so pills the rest of my life. YAY..... Could be worse things though.. Good luck with your levels!! Keep us updated!

  7. This is kind of scary that you posted this because I am starting to think I have hypertyroidism or am anemic because I am tired all the time. I'm glad that you are getting everything taking care of even though I know you wish Chris was there. You are lucky to have a great support system to help you. Take care of yourself!

  8. Great to see the encouraging words on this latest'bump in life' for you Lindsay. To the Nth is on the money with keeping up with levels, adjusting along the way and learning to take that pill the very first thing every morning. And watching for the good things to come when your levels are right again! God is more merciful and gracious than we deserve.

  9. I'm so sorry to hear that Lindsay! I'm glad it's easily treated. Praying for you as you figure out this new part of life and excited with you that hubs comes home in the next month ;)

  10. Glad you know what's going on inside ya, I always wonder about me. haha

    I used the word 'daunting' just last night to a Subway worker and she had no idea what the word meant, said she'd never heard of it before. So the fact that you're using it made me smile and know that others know actual words too!

  11. Praying for you! My mama has the same thing, and has lupus (auto-immune disease). She easily manages it with her morning pill, so you should be just great!

    Good luck & yay for Chris coming home soon!

  12. My sister has this as well... she was diagnosed when she started having symptoms so its great that they caught it prior to that. Although she hasnt went through a pregnancy yet, she says its no big deal- the medicine works wonders apparently.

    Glad to hear that you have a good attitude about all this... but I can imagine you were probably scared.

    Good luck with the homecoming... bet you are extremely excited!!

  13. Hey Lindsay... I have been reading your blog posts via facebook newsfeeds for awhile and I decided its time to comment. I just wanted to let you know how encouraging it is to read your personal accounts of being a wife in the military. My fiance is at bootcamp and while its not exactly a deployment it is still really tough because we have very little communication through sporadic letters. I also just received some medical news about a condition I have that also is very manageable but will be something I will always have to deal with. All I wanted to do was talk to Nate about it. But like you said, we have to remember our Creator know everything our bodies are doing now and also what our bodies will do later in life.

    Thank you for sharing the encouragements and struggles! Praying for you and Chris!

  14. Hey, I just want you to know that I love your blog. Reading your blog posts always make my day! Love you!

    Every time I think of you I thank God for you. (Phil. 1:3)

  15. Hi, Lindsay! I have read your blog for awhile, but never commented. Today I feel I must. I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism last year and have been struggling with understanding and coming to terms with the diagnosis. I am one of very few people who is allergic to most of the medications. I don’t know anyone with hypothyroidism and I was scared of the future and fearful about “what if,” which is very unlike me. Reading your post today has given me hope and made the fear subside. Maybe I just needed to hear everything would be ok through you today and God wanted to remind me I was not alone. So I thank you for sharing. You have helped me more than I can say. I will keep you in my prayers and hope your journey is easy. Again, thank you!!!

  16. awww praying for you sweetie! and thanks for being so honest with us! my friend was just diagnosed with the same thing and she had a healthy baby girl back in october and is pregnant again!! she is just careful about taking meds and all is well!! :) hope you are sooo lucky!!

  17. You'll be in my prayers and I'm confident you'll be well taken care of. All the best and have a wonderful homecoming!

  18. Oh my goodness, six months ago I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism. I had to go see a specialist (which before the appointment, I was freaking out, scared of the multiple things that come into your head when you hear the word specialist)about it three weeks ago, and luckily, it seems like everything is okay with my blood levels. I just have to watch for the symtoms that come with it.


  19. um wow i totally missed this post. my bad! will def. be praying for you, friend. love you!!!

  20. best of luck in this new fork in the road. All will be fine, your young and healthy and right now that's what counts!

  21. I have hypothyroidism too!! It hasn't been troublesome at all - it just means taking a little pill every day. I hope it's as low key and as easy for you!

  22. I totally know what you mean now with your comment about it being the first day of the rest of your life! I was diagnosed with PCOS (another hard to understand/explain hormone disorder) and it was an eye opener on how I had to live the rest of my life and all the steps I had to take to get/stay healthy. You have a great outlook on life, knowing that God is in charge and taking comfort in that. I wish you well with figuring all this out!

  23. from the comments above it looks like you aren't alone in this :)
    praying that you find the support you need and that the weeks counting down til your hubs come home pass quickly!

    happy day to you :)

  24. wow, these comments are gonna make me cry, and i'm not the one they're sent too, ha!
    anyways, we are praying for you, friend! you will get through this little time span without Chris just fine, and we're here for ya, sista!!

  25. I'm sorry you are having to go through this. It's not an easy diagnosis. I have Hashimoto's (which I assume is your condition as well, since you said it is autoimmune.) My case has been quite complicated, but I am making progress. :)

    I highly recommend Dr. Kharrazian's book on the subject. He has done a lot of research and treated many patients with great success. He approaches the issue from an autoimmune aspect rather than a thyroid problem. Here's the link if you're interested. http://www.thyroidbook.com/ I wish you God's best on your journey. :)

  26. I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism when I was in high school. I have been struggling with it alot since about 2005. It's getting, better but it used to get enlarged and I had to have routine blood tests for it every month for awhile. So I know what struggles and side effects come with it. I think people underestimate all the side effects that you have with a thyroid disease. Hope the fatique doesn't get you down too bad ;-) and it's always nice to know when you're not alone with stuff like that. Take Care ♥


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