Aloha From a Sponsor: Rags to Stitches Boutique

Good morning, friends and Happy Thursday! I've got a super cute sponsor to introduce to you today! Alissa is an adorable mama and talented seamstress and she operates the blog and shop, Rags to Stitches Boutique. I love the colorful combinations of colors that she uses in making the iPad snuggies, diaper wipe cases, checkbook sleeves and even custom crib bumpers in her shop! And her blog is filled with lots of sweetness--- I especially love the summery pinwheel inspired birthday party she threw for her daughter recently! 

Meet Alissa! 

Aloha Alissa! Can you tell us a little bit about yourself, your blog and shop?

Hi! My name is Alissa I have a blog and shop called Rags to Stitches Boutique. I'm married to the love of my life and we've been together for almost 7 years. In that time we've had our fair share of adventures and I'm so excited for the many more to come. I'm a mommy to  a 3 year old and a 19 month old. Being 17 months apart, I'm not going to lie, they keep me on my toes, but I'd rather dance around on my toes all day, then miss a single moment with them. And I love Jesus with all my heart!

Rags to Stitches Boutique the shop was born in 2009. I had begun sewing when I was pregnant with Katelyn. You know that constant urge to create, organize and nest.... well that's where it started for me. A self-taught sewer, not perfect, but learning, I began sewing things for my little girl and suddenly others began asking me if I would make those things for them. After some nudging from my husband, the loving entrepreneur, I created Rags to Stitches. I could have never imagined it would grow into the business it has and I'm so blessed to be a work at home mom.

Sewing can be a bit daunting for beginners. How did you get started?

I really had no idea what I was doing when I started, I just knew I really wanted to sew and create. I got my very first sewing machine as a Christmas gift from my mom and it was love at first sight. Over the last couple years I've picked up new tricks here and there from Youtube and online tutorials. I know it can seem a little bit intimidating, but I promise, it's not as hard as it looks. Go on, you know you want to give it a try!!

Hawaii is really special to you. Can you tell us more about that?

Hawaii is truly a special place for me. I'm Hawaiian Chinese, can't you tell? I know I look completely Haole, but I was born in Hawaii and lived there till I was 5 when my Dad's job took us overseas till I was 18. But that's a whole other story. Stop by sometime and I'll tell it to you over virtual coffee. hehe. Much of my family still lives in Hawaii and although I don't get to visit every year like I used to, it will always be a part of my heart.

Okay, let's get a little psychological here. What is your favorite color and what do you think it says about your personality?

Umm, well right now I don't think I could pick just one, but it's a palate of bright yellows, pinks with some blues and grays. ::swoon:: These colors make me feel bright and cheery and when I think of them it brightens up my mood. I think it says that I'm a colorful person and sometimes I'm upbeat and cheery, but the gray will tell you that I still have days where I struggle with being a better version of myself. Ok that was kinda deep! 

Go shopping in her shop! 

Say aloha on her blog!

Chat with her on twitter! 



  1. Such cute stuff, I love that she taught herself. Way to go!

  2. Cute stuff, as always Alissa! I didn't know you lived in Hawaii. That's cool!


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