It's Here!

Oh yes, it's here. Home coming day! 

Yup, that's the font from my blog. Nope, I didn't trace it, I freehanded it. ;) It makes me smile. Maybe I'll just leave it up indefinitely and every time Chris comes home from work, I'll run out and make a big deal out of it...

I'm awake at 4:45am because I just can't sleep a minute longer. In a few hours, I'm gonna slip on my awesome coral dress (with pockets!), curl my hair, hop into my purple heels and head over to the base.

 I can't wait to have my sweet hubby home again. 

Oh, and the cherry on top-- Chris won a bingo game on the ship and the prize-- First Kiss!! So he gets to come off the ship first ( after the new dads!). That's a pretty big deal because it takes them a loong time to get off the ship sometimes.

 So.freaking.excited, you guys. 



  1. Yay!!! This is so wonderful! So excited for you two to finally be together again!

  2. That is so awesome! Hope you two have a wonderful first day back together!

  3. Horray! Enjoy every second of it. I missed our first homecoming b/c of an FRG mess up, so I always get super excited for all of the people who have amazing homecoming. I like to live vicariously though y'all :)

  4. p.s. I love your new blog banner!! It looks awesome!!

  5. Oh yay! How exciting that you get the first kiss ;) Well after the new dads which I think it's awesome they get to go first! :)

  6. That's so great! The sign and the first kiss prize. :)

  7. Awwww... SO stinkin' happy for you!

    Enjoy and many blessings to you both ;)

    xoxo, Kye

  8. yes, please keep the banner up. that's what i would do. "YOU'RE HOME!!!! WOOOOO!!! TIME FOR DINNER!!!!!"

  9. I am so happy for you! Yay for the first kiss!

  10. Hooray!!! Hooray!!! So happy for you both!

  11. Hooray! I'm so excited for you! :) Can't wait to see your pics!

  12. How exciting!! Enjoy that first kiss :)

  13. and I am SOOOOO flippin' excited for you!!!!! Take a few days off from blogging friend... your hubby deserves it ;)

  14. YIPEEE!!! How awesome, I'm excited for you! Enjoy that "first kiss"! :)

  15. reading this post gave me chills! So very excited for you. Hope you have someone to capture those moments on camera!

  16. How exciting! Nothing compares to that feeling when homecoming day arrives. Enjoy first kiss! :)

  17. Aww how exciting! I wouldn't be able to sleep either! Enjoy Chris's homecoming! :)

  18. Yay! It better be a movie worthy kiss! :D

  19. yay!!! that is so exciting!!! :) i bet you cannot even contain yourself, you are probably a giddy school girl with butterflies :)
    love the sign too!!!

  20. Yay Congrats!! How neat he gets to come off first! Enjoy your amazing day!

  21. YAYYY!!! I'm SO excited for you!!!! Treasure this sweet homecoming!! CANNOT wait to see pictures :)

    much love!♥

  22. That First Kiss thing is so sweet! I'm so happy you get to be with your husband again. I know I take for granted that my husband comes home every night, and when he goes out of town/state for work it's really hard...but I can only imagine what military wives go through for months and years at a time! You are strong ladies! Hope your day is fabulous!!!!

  23. SO excited for you sweet girl! Enjoy the precious time with your man!

  24. So very excited for you! The sign is great. Can't wait to see the photos. Have a great day (which I know you will!)

  25. So happy for you! Now go work those purple heels girl. ;-)

  26. already tweeted you earlier of my excitement - but gonna comment here too. AAAAAHHHHH!!!!! so stooooked, beyond stoked!

  27. I am SOOOOO Excited for yoU!!!!!!!! yayyyY!

    :) Congratulations!

  28. YAY!!! I certainly hope you catch that first kiss on camera!!! Enjoy your hubby . . . we expect NO blogging for at least a WEEK ;)

  29. first kiss?! soooooooo sweet!!

    can't wait for a picture (or two or three or a dozen!)

  30. Love the sign you have such a talent!!! And the blog world will understand if you take a lil break to spend some quality time with your hubby!!! Excited for you!

  31. yahoo! glad he's coming home :)

  32. so excited for you!!! have an amazing time with him. =)

  33. So sweet! Have a fun time getting the first kiss! Don't push any babies or children out of the way. :)


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