It's the Little Things: Rainbow Phones, Gecko Friends & Pizza Rolls

 Every now and then, I like to share some of the little things that are really big things during my week. We all know that supportive friends, awesome family and a loving God help get us through times of loneliness, busy-ness or whatever. But sometimes it's those seemingly small joys that really pack the punch.

These are my favorite posts to write, I think.

While cleaning my studio on Wednesday, I randomly found an earring I'd been missing for almost a year. Know where I found it? In my pencil pouch. Why it was in there, I have no idea, but now I have a clean pencil pouch and a complete set of earrings. Woot.

Some weeks are better than others in regards to the food I put in my belly. This week... um, not so much. I bought a bag of Tostino's pizza rolls and finished them off over the week. Don't judge.

If you haven't gotten on the Pinterest train yet, you better hop on board. While browsing (er, read: wasting time) on there last week, I came upon this cell phone skin from Gelaskins and ordered it within about 20 seconds. It arrived this week and again, I had it on my phone within about 20 seconds. 

So, my phone has been making me smile all week.  

And look! It coordinates with my studio too! BONUS!

Oh, and don't tell Chris, but I have a new roommate. Meet Gilbert the gecko. 

(Ilene, don't freak out. He won't jump through the screen at you.)

So I've gotta know...

What were your 'little things' this week? 

PS. Thank you for your supportive comments on my post yesterday! Megan and Tay, I'd love to respond to your comments so shoot me an email or leave your email address in the comments, puh-leeease! :) 


  1. LOVE this post!! I lost an earring well over a year ago- so I threw the other one away, and sure enough the lost one turned up recently!! Of course in my sister's bathroom! :) and I LOVE pizza rolls! Let's just say it was a huge craving while preggers, and it did not take a couple of days to finish them off!! Gorgeous phone cover!!!

    Happy Friday beautiful!

  2. Aww Im glad to hear that Chris will be home soon! So is your gecko a real pet or does he just roam and comes around cause he likes your company =) I thought of you the other day cause I ran into your brothers...Josh at Starbucks and Jake was my Sunday School leader! Brian and I are so excited to join his class next semester! Have a great weekend!!

  3. The little things are so very important, especially as we face times of uncertainty and find ourselves at a loss. I'm so glad to see there are beautiful things keeping your spirits high! What a cute little gecko- we just have these quick, big lizards! I'm used to seeing a salamander here or there back home by lakes and stuff, but these fellas always scare the bejeezus out of me!

  4. Little things= hearing our sweet daughter laugh/ giggle as she let's me and her papa kiss her neck (finally)!!! At first, when we first met her, she wouldn't let us kiss her... But now she does!

  5. Such great little things :) LOVE the phone cover...such cute colors! This week I'm loving long walks with my pups, finally being back in running shape, and some {short} but sweet qt with the hubs!!

    btw...bday club opening soon? :D

  6. That gecko is SO cute! And you are now making me crave pizza rolls, yum!

  7. Hi! I just stumbled upon your blog today, and enjoyed reading it! Which island do you live on? My husband and I went to Kaui for our honeymoon, and I must say that it must be soooo awesome to live in Hawaii!

  8. hi dear! so glad these little things are keeping a smile on your face.

    today i am grateful for sunshine
    my mother who came over last night to help me prepare for my first craft booth (this sunday eep!)
    and little posts like this :)

    blessings! xoxo

  9. that cell phone case is going to be the death of me; too cute!!

  10. The gelaskin is really nice. Need to check the site out.

    When I visited Hawaii, geckos were all over the place. How did you get him to sit on your finger?

  11. Cute little guy!

    God is great for filling up lonely times, isn't he? Having a tough time this week with it and keep reminding myself to talk to God for company.

    Let's see...little things, I just got a beautiful card from G-man in the mail, out of the blue. It made my day.
    Oh and I actually made myself dinner last night. Little yet big thing. I'm like you and will no thru fazes of not eating, not eating well or well, not eating. haha

  12. Tostinos! If I could have carbs I'd eat them all the time. No judging here! Nom!

  13. AH! I love pizza rolls. :-) yum, yum.

    I am so impressed that you kept that solo earring for the past year. I totally would have given up on it in that time.

    My little things... laundry is all folded and put away! :-) no bake cookies....and umm lunch on the back deck with my hubby while my kids were inside watching Tom and Jerry.

  14. eeeekkkk! oh goodness. i thought it jumped at me. ;) too funny! love ya!

  15. Just discovered your it! Aloha from a fellow transplanted East Coaster :) Gilbert is so cute. We name all the lizards & geckos that regularly hang out on our back patio. We have a Henry, a Frank, a Jemima, and a Marlo, among others!

  16. everything on here! And that mustard color...fabulous!!

    I'm your newest follower! :)

  17. Just so you know, after I read this post, I immediately ordered that same phone cover, LOVE!

    I'm a new follower and I really enjoy reading your blog everyday.. and your paintings are darling!!


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