And the Countdown Continues...

I have 4,592 things on my to-do list before Chris comes home. But I'd really like to chuck that list and just have him home. I'm getting pretty tired of all the emotions of the week and the hype I'm working myself into over all the projects I want to get done.

 I'd really be perfectly content if he just walked in the door right now (I almost just wrote "into the door".... that would be funny too.). Our bedroom looks like my closet threw up, there's a half empty pizza box on the kitchen counter, the yard is a jungle and our living room is half-rearranged.

Yeah about that. I worked hard all yesterday afternoon to finish up the new painting for our living room. And then I got it up above the couch and started snapping pictures for the blog and... "ugh". I was just tired of the same thing. So at 7:30 last night I started rearranging our living room for the first time in two years.

And halfway through realized that the only arrangement that really works is the one we had going for two years. Soo, now our living room is half arranged and you know what? It might just stay that way until Chris gets home and can actually help me make move stuff around-- in person!

So I don't have a painting reveal for you today. But here's a little sneak peek.

If you're in the mood for some mushy-gushy romance, head over to Cole's blog today. We are featured as today's couple for her Real People in Love series! Lots of sweet details about our love story! ;)

I'm headed to the kitchen to mark another day off the countdown... and maybe throw away that pizza box. 



  1. Don't kill yourself w/all the things you have to do! I say, just clear that bed away and maybe throw the pizza box away and call it a day. (lots of same word rhyming there...)

  2. I'm already in love with that painting! Can't wait to see the full reveal.

  3. I'm the same way. I can't wait until I have a house that I can actually REALLY decorate and knock down walls lol, apartments are so boring and one way!

  4. that painting looks awesome and the choice of colors is def. beautiful :)

  5. i'm learning a lesson or two about waiting these days!.. not just on baby - but on so many things!

    can't wait for you to get your hubs back!


    p.s. have two giveaways going on right now... have you entered? Wild & Precious

  6. cute blog!! i'm a new follower via adventures in love and happiness! i love your love story!

  7. Don't stress over getting things done, just relax and take it easy :) You'll have plenty of time to get things done after your hubby gets home and settled! :) I'm SO excited for his return to YOU! :)

    much love♥♥

  8. OH.MY.GOSH. thank you SO much for following me!! gahh, you've made my day :)

    much love♥♥

  9. Good luck on tackling that to-do list! Hope time flies until he's home again :)

  10. Oooooh, that painting looks awesome!

    Can't wait to see the full reveal!


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