Where In The World Are We???

I can finally reveal where Chris and I are meeting up for our mid-deployment meet-up! We're in...


We are having a sweet time together here on this side of the world. Thank you for all the prayers for this trip over the past few weeks. Chris and I are savoring every moment with each other. We've eaten amazing Thai food, wandered through markets filled with strange and fascinating oddities, navigated the busy streets on the baht buses and are excited for a jungle zipline tour and elephant rides tomorrow! 


  1. Ooh~ we've been there, too!! That's awesome you're getting to explore that part of the world! Have lots of fun! Can't wait to see pics of the elephant ride!!


  2. Enjoy your time, girly! :) Can't wait to see more photos!

  3. Thankful to God it all worked out and so excited for you two to have this time together. And of course it would include an elepahant ride! Have you had any Goong Dten yet?

  4. How fun!! Hope you guys have a great time together!!

  5. gah!!! these pictures seriously make me giddy - so happy you guys are together! have so much fun - but i dont think i have to tell you that. ;)

  6. oh my golly!! how exciting!! enjoy every moment together!!

  7. oh my goodness, how exciting! have a wonderful time and can't wait to see more beautiful pictures!

  8. That picture of you two is ADORABLE!! I'm SO glad everything worked out and that you're getting to enjoy some alone time with your hubby! Have a wonderful rest of your trip! :)

  9. YAY! How very awesome :D Enjoy every minute with him and all the experiences. I can't wait to hear more about it!

  10. Soooooooo happy for you guys. Have a blast <3

  11. Yay zipline! Glad you decided to go for it. I am sure it will be well worth it. Can't wait to see lots more amazing pictures!

  12. That is AWESOME, what a fun place to visit! Hope you two have TONS of fun!

  13. Have a fabulous time with your man, Lindsay! :)

  14. ohmygoodness, i'm so happy for you & Chris, Linds!! So so so happy!! :D
    have fun, sista!

  15. I get so giddy just looking at these pictures! So happy that you get to spend this time together!!!!!!! :D

  16. So fun! Look how happy he is to be back with his lady :)

  17. Wow Lindz! That's amazing! Elephant rides AND ziplining?!? I'm so jealous. Have fun and take lots of pictures for us. Love you and am so glad you got to meet up with Chris again this deployment. xoxo

  18. Yay! So glad everything worked out! Those are some fab pictures & the one of you two together is precious :) Enjoy your time together!

  19. oh man, how fun! so glad your with your man :) have fun!

  20. Wow! What a great destination! Have fun!!

  21. Oh, how fun! How awesome is it that you guys get to see such interesting places!? Glad you get to spend time together too.

  22. Have a great time! Can't wait to see more pictures

  23. Yay! Hope you're having a fabulous time!!

  24. Love that God worked out all the details for your trip! Enjoy your sweet time with your honey!

  25. These photos are seriously so gorgeous! I hope you guys are having a fabulous (and safe) time! I can't wait for more pictures!!

  26. SO happy you're enjoying some much-needed time with your man!


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