Aloha From a Sponsor: Hiya Luv

Before we dive into the sponsor post for today, I just want to say a very heartfelt thank you for all your encouraging comments on my post yesterday. I was so excited to "meet" some of you commenting for the first time and am thankful that so many of you could relate to my post! Looove you all! 

And without further ado! I'd love to introduce you to my friend and sponsor, Gina of Hiya Luv! Gina creates bright and happy fabric creations such as kindle cases,  pin brooches, and wristlets. I've had a great time getting to know her via twitter over the past few months and she is such a sweet girl! 

Check out my interview with her below and look for a suh-weet discount code at the end! 

Hi Gina! Thanks so much for hanging out on my blog today! What are three random facts that Aisle to Aloha readers should know about you?

Hiya Aisle to Aloha readers! I am thrilled to be visiting with you today and hope you will stop by my blog and visit! 

1. In undergrad I was in ROTC to fulfill all my elective credits just for fun. I took 2 years of ROTC and loved every minute of it.

2. I work at a University and counsel students with alcohol, substance abuse, mental health and behavioral issues. Between my commute and the hours I clock at the office, I spend 60 hours a week at work. My blog {Hiya Luv!} and Etsy shop {Hiya Luv Handmade} are my creative outlets and give me an opportunity to focus on positive aspects of life since I am surrounded by challenging situations at work all the time.

3. I love sewing and have been sewing since middle school; taking short breaks in between but always going back to it because I love it so much! 

What is your favorite part of running a handmade business?

I enjoy meeting new people and designing new items. I find inspiration in beautiful fabrics. I have a list so long of items I want to design and sew up but I just lack the time to do it because of my professional work schedule. Because of this list, sewing never gets boring because I am always trying to perfect my craft with the little amount of time I have to spend with it. The friendships I have made have also been priceless. The people in the handmade community are so fun and welcoming!

You recently were on vacation. What's your favorite way to kick back and relax?

My fiance and I love sports. I am a girly girl but also can't get enough of a good college football game or a baseball game. On vacay we slept in, went to the gym every day, went shopping, to the movies, and to 4 Phillies games. We love to go to our local bar, watch games and eat dinner. Simple. ;)

I'm a color freak and I love all your colorful products! What's your favorite color and what do you think that says about your personality?

My favorite color is pink. Pink is girly, cheerful, carefree, and fun. 

Gina's having a fabulous sale in her shop and on top of that sale, she's offering a 10% discount to Aisle to Aloha readers! Use the code ALOHA10 now through May 10th to snag yourself something sweet! 

Make sure you stop by Gina's blog, and chat with her on twitter too! 


  1. Adorable stuff!

    By the way--have you heard that my 1st novel is being released on tomorrow?! Check it out on my blog! Have a wonderful Cinco De Mayo honey! Kori xoxo

  2. yay:) thanks for a great feature linds!:)gina

  3. Awesome post! I was in love when I heard Phillies, local bars and football. Go Eagles! Cute shop too!


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