All Things Strange and Beautiful.

 If you are sick and tired of my Thailand posts, you are in luck! This is the last post of my Thailand recap week! Next week, we'll get back to the usual. I have a project or two to share with you, some current inspiration and other fun stuff.

One of the most fascinating parts of our trip was the afternoon we wandered through the markets. Markets are my favorite places to visit while abroad, as you get an inside glimpse into the everyday happenings in town, the women shopping for groceries and the strange oddities considered treats by the locals.

The market was filled with so many beautiful and sweet smelling things.

Oh wait, those were the gross and strange things we saw. I have a feeling that those turtles were not up for sale to potential pet owners. And I was this close to getting Chris to eat one of those beetles. I think he knew I wouldn't kiss him for the rest of the trip if he did. 

Theeeese are the beautiful, strange and sweet-smelling things we saw.

A few more highlights from the trip::

- Riding an elephant. Actually, this was a very strange experience. The elephants were kind of gross and hairy and the handlers whacked them on the head and beat them a lot so it was actually kind of sad. And we didn't get any pictures, so that was disappointing.

- Getting my butt whooped by Chris in rummy and downing a few Singha beers as we played cards one night by our hotel pool.

-Attending a Muay Thai fight at a sketchy boxing ring and losing 100 baht (about 3 bucks) to Chris because I picked the wrong guy to win every.time. Who would have thought the flabby white guy would kick the crap out of the buff Thai guy?? I certainly didn't.

- Meeting Cheyne and Meghan, the winners of The Amazing Race Season 15 on my flight from Bangkok to Tokyo. I've never been so star-struck and I was incredibly awkward saying 'hi' to them. "Uh, you guys were on The Amazing Race, weren't you?" Duh. And then I had daydreams of them asking me what I did and them buying artwork from me for their probably-amazing house. Hey, it could happen. 

And finally, because I think we are just too cute, let's start the weekend off with some silliness. 

Thanks for letting me share all about our sweet week together in Thailand! 

Got any fun plans for the Memorial Day weekend?


  1. the food is interesting for sure and great captures! The shots of you and your hubby are adorable!

  2. Interesting market shots, and you two look alike!

  3. Wait! I'm not done looking at pictures!! :) awesome!

  4. your pictures are too cool to be sick of them!

  5. The pig's head...I think I just threw up a little in my mouth...haha!

  6. You had pics of two of my favorite asian fruits! Rambutan and dragon fruit!

  7. Ever since I ran over a turtle while driving (of which my family will NEVER let me live that down), I have had an attachment to turtle. So just thinking about people hurting turtles is VERY sad to me. :(

    But everything else looked great! The pictures of you & your hubby are just too adorable. ;)

    I've actually enjoyed your posts of Thailand. It is always neat to see other people's adventure abroad.

  8. loved these pictures - but esp. the one of you and Chris. you guys are so silly and happy together - makes me happy, too.

    happy friday, friend!!!

  9. I have loved reading your recaps from your trip with your hubby! So exciting and exotic. And the pictures of course have been so pretty! Y´all are cute :) Have a great weekend!

  10. Um, you guys ARE too cute!

    Also, is that a bucket full of snakes? I definitely like the sweet stuff better!

    I had to google Cheyne and Meghan...couldn't remember which ones they are. Now I remember! He's the one that made her do all the hard stuff! That's cool that you got to meet them though!

    We're just hanging out at home, having a bbq with friends and maybe going to the art museum!

    Happy weekend!

  11. OMG with the cuteness, linds!! i can't believe how cute ya'll are!

  12. love the random pig head photo. haha.

    also i really enjoyed your thailand posts. if i put my head really close to my computer screen it was like i was there! free travel! :)

    but i am so excited for this memorial weekend.. im opening a booth at a local market next weekend and i have SO MUCH TO DO it's ridiculous. so I'm planning on shutting myself up to get 'er all done.

    but most likely i'll get distracted and just pull all-nighters the following weekend.

    :) erika @

  13. Thanks a lot Lindsay! I just spent about 20 minutes googling amazon race people that have gotten married.
    I would of fell to the floor if I met Megan and Cheyne.
    were they on some sort of extended honeymoon or something?
    How many questions did you ask them?
    Did you take pictures?
    I can't believe it.
    So cool!!!
    Love your pictures!
    Have a great weekend!
    Since you asked tomorrow starts day 2 of my yard sale!
    Momma's gotta make some money. :)

  14. You guys are so cute!! Love the pics of your guys in the end ;)

  15. You two are so cute! I loved this colorful post :). And I would have been starstruck too....

  16. Amazing photos of your trip to Thailand. I love your blog, and I would love for you to do a guest post on my blog. Details can be found at:


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