Monday Mash-up.

 Here's a random assortment of odds and ends for your Monday.

- I could really go for a day of curling up in this bed and reading my eyes out. Are you reading any good books lately?

-I love this reminder. It's so imperative for us creative types to take time away from making our goods to sell and just create for art's sake. I spent a lot of time working on a new painting for our living room this weekend and I think it's so therapeutic to just work on something pretty for the sake of it being pretty and not thinking about putting it in the shop. (of course, I love painting for you guys, but I think you catch my drift).

- This necklace is gorgeous, right? I wish Anthro wasn't so stinkin' expensive. I'd love to wear this for Chris' home coming. It would go great with the new dress I bought. I don't want Chris to see my new dress so I'm not posting it on here, but I will tell you it's my current color obsession. *wink*

- I'm getting my hair cut today. It's been a few months since I've had a good chop and all the style has gone out of this mop. I've finally found an awesome hair stylist I love. She has an awesome tattoo of a comb on her forearm and she is pretty awesome at cutting hairs. So, I'm really excited about this cut. Though I'm sure Chris is not as ecstatic. Any of your husbands just looove the long hair? What's up with that?

- I also get to spend the whole day with my buddy, Dahlia, who you've met here and here. The sad thing about this island is that a lot of people here are transient so once you become best buds, start finishing each other's sentences and find the perfect songs to jam out together to, it's time for them to leave. Sad. I'm going to miss that little ray of sunshine.

- Most importantly, today, thank you to all the men and women of our Armed Forces past and present who have sacrificed everything to maintain the freedoms that we are so blessed to enjoy in this country.

Happy Memorial Day, my friends 


  1. oh that bedroom is fabulous! i've been reading the story of kate and william {slowly} but it's really good - which i was surprised about!

    have a good day, doll!

  2. Um, a tattoo of a comb on her FOREHEAD? I can't imagine that looking good. But if she's good that's awesome. Is she 'affordable' too? I can't find a stylist that'll cut my hair, even a trim, for less than $70 there.

    The whole guy thing liking long hair...It's like 90% of men it seems. Apparently (or so 1 has told me) they love running their hands through the hair. What can I say? =/

  3. I love that room! I have a pink umbrella like those ones that I have been wanting to hang up. I think this just motivated me to finally do it!

    Also, I wrote a post today about books I will be reading this summer. Stop by and check them out.

  4. I love artsyville! She's offering a class I'm so tempted to take.

  5. oh i love this post! thanks for sharing all of these goodies :)

    I live in hawaii too.. so good to see another blogger from hawaii!

    new follower, please stop on by..

  6. what a fab bedroom! i could spend all day in it too!!

  7. I totally know what you mean about husbands loving long hair! I ended up chopping mine and donating it but it took a while to get there. Can't wait to see your new hair do!

  8. HI! I just came across your blog & noticed your in Hawaii. I will be there in a couple hubby is in the Navy as well :)


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