Mahalo for the Birthday Love!

Okay, so my birthday was ages ago (March 19th!), but it's never too late to say thank you. I received so many cards and packages for my birthday and felt so incredibly loved by my friends, family, and blogger friends.

Here are just a few of the fun goodies that my buddies sent my way.

Thanks to my friends for all your love! I've had a blast hosting and being a part of the Love and Envelopes Birthday Club and I hope you have too! 

I also got a sweet package from my husband, including a bracelet from Borneo, a handful of seaglass he found on the beaches of Guam, and a beautiful letter that made me cry. 

** If your name isn't on this post, pleeeease forgive my disorganized nature! I really am thankful for every card and gift that came my way!**


  1. Eek how fun, looks like you have some wonderful friends!

  2. I've been following your blog for about a month now! Is your husband stationed in Guam? One of my best friends and her husband are stationed there! She says it's beautiful!

  3. Love the idea of the Birthday Club! When sign-up's open up again--I think it said they will in June--I'd love to join! I love birthdays and think everyone's should be so special! Hope you are having fun in Thailand :)

  4. aw, i feel loved by the blogger community & it wasn't even my b-day, haha!!

  5. AH! You got it! I was afraid it might have not made it because of the tag with your address on it. But I'm glad you got it ;)

    I love the blogging community.. it's so much like a giant family <3


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