bump style:: 18 weeks

Let's talk about this outfit, shall we? Looking at these pictures now, I'm not loving how my henley looks belted over my maxi dress. It doesn't look bad, but it's not all that great either. Next time, I'll opt for a little knot a la James. But, it was a quick outfit pulled together before church, and the cozy knits and bright colors were perfect for a chilly, rainy day. 

Also perfect for a rainy day outfit? Fleece-lined leggings under a maxi skirt. So, basically, your whole outfit is like wearing pjs, but you get less of a side-eye from folks. 

By far the best thing about this outfit has to be my leather tote handmade by Mariah over at A Great  + Many Things. She's just starting her shop, and sent me this tote a few weeks ago. It's the perfect size for carrying everything from a few diapers and wipes, to day trip essentials. Isn't that warm leather just  so yummy? And the fabric on the inside? I got to choose it myself, and it's incredibly bright and cheery. 

(Use the code HELLOHUE for 10% off at A Great + Many Things, and find a coupon code for free shipping on Mariah's FB page!)

Hopefully this will be the last time you see a post with my hair pinned back like this. My locks have gotten so long, that the style has fallen out, and this is the only way I can tolerate it lately. Chop-chop on Tuesday, and I can't wait. I'm coming for you, Stephanie! 

what I'm wearing:: henley top:: anthropologie // skirt:: maxi dress from forever21 // leather tote:: c/o great many things  // flats:: rocket dog// my 18 week bump with Silas


  1. i love it all!!! you look so adorable!

  2. Look at that cute little bump, you look great!

  3. You may not have liked that outfit, but its looking good on you! Thanks again for featuring my bag, and for your feedback! Enjoy it!

  4. You look so good! I'm going to include you in my round up next week! http://startclosein.blogspot.com/


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