a house.

We got a house! 

After 5 rejected offers and countless potentials, God has provided us with the most perfectly quirky house and sweet neighborhood. I know He's really taking care of me because there is an ice cream shop 1/2 a block from the house. This was our last attempt to purchase a place, and we are unbelievably excited to move in at the end of next month if all goes as planned. 

Thank you for all your prayers and well wishes during this crazy transition! Sometimes I'm a bit stunned that complete strangers care for my family so much and take the time to not only pray, but to encourage us through thoughtful comments and emails. 

PS. Ilene featured some fellow style bloggers (and me!) and their 'men behind the camera' today! It's a super cute post-- check it out here! Also, Silas' nursery was featured on Apartment Therapy recently! 


  1. Praying everything goes smoothly for your family!
    An ice cream place that close would be great and awful at the same time!

  2. congratulations! this is big!
    how cool is you have an ice cream shop!

  3. oh, I've been praying for this... and SOOO happy to hear the news! God is amazing and His timing is perfect!

  4. so happy for this sweet of yours …keep praying for you guy :)


  5. That is wonderful! Congratulations! xxx

  6. So happy to see that you have found somewhere for you and your family. Best wishes for all your new adventures in Boston x

  7. looks great. cannot wait to get an inside tour through pics soon!

  8. CONGRATS to you and your family! I can't wait to see the inside! I LOVE homes...especiallyyyy those quirky ones...the more character the better!:)

  9. Congrats! That is great news!

  10. That is so exciting, congratulations!

  11. so exciting! congratulations!


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