[over the weekend] Saturday Morning Hunt

 Happy Labor Day! Hope you've been able to have as restful and productive a weekend as Chris and I. We got a ton of projects done around the house and have had a great time enjoying so much continuous time together! We're enjoying another day off today but I wanted to share our Saturday morning with you. We woke at 5:30am and spent the early hours of the morning watching the sunrise on the beach and hunting for sea glass. 


  1. Beautiful! I know whats on our list of 'to do's' for our next trip out! :)

  2. LOVE the light blue, very cool

  3. gorgeous sea glass!! Love collecting that stuff too!

  4. ooooh! What beach did you go to? haven't noticed any on the beaches I've been to but that looks like fun!


  5. Sarah Katherine--We were at Kapiolani Beach Park. We were also at Sandys today and I found a few pieces. :)


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