Nutmeg Doodles Giveaway!

 If you know me, you'll know that I am not a veggie lover.

My brothers and sisters just read that and laughed, remembering the long nights I spent at the dinner table after everyone else had finished, crying with a pile of green beans in front of me. I really enjoy a good arugula salad now and Chris doesn't make me sit at the table until I've joined the clean plate club. Sometimes I wonder, "How the heck am I going to get my kids to eat right if I refused to as a kid??" In comes my friend, Megan Domitrovic, who has found a way to make eating right and "fun" synonymous.

Megan has been drawing since she was little and has a dream of becoming a published children's book author and illustrator. She also has her Bachelor of Science degree in food and nutrition and is working on developing her career as a dietician. In 2009, she created Nutmeg Doodles, a blend of her two passions, nutrition and drawing. 

Megan has written and illustrated several short stories and books (all waiting for publication!) as well as designing t-shirts for children and women and cards with her adorable hand-drawn doodles on them. She has an Etsy shop as well as a website and her designs will be carried in boutiques in Portland, Oregon soon!

One of you can win one of Megan's first t-shirt designs in white soft organic cotton for your (or a friend's) veggie-lovin' baby. The winner will get to choose between the girl and the boy design (as seen above), both in 6 month size.

1. To win you must be a follower of AisletoAloha using the Google Friend Connect feature. (Click the"follow" button on the right side bar.) Leave a comment on this post. Tell me about the creative ways you get your kids to eat veggies. No kids? How did your parents teach you to eat right?

2. If you blog about the giveaway, come back and leave a second comment/entry. 

3. And if you tweet about it, leave a third comment/entry. (And don't forget to follow me on there!)

***If you leave a comment as Anonymous, please leave your first and last name and a way for me to contact you should you win (blog, email, etc).***

So you can potentially enter up to three times. Giveaway will be open until 10pm on Thursday, September 23rd and the winner will be announced on Friday, September 24th, using  


  1. I'm a follower! And I was definitely the same as you, left behind crying over a plate of broccoli (which I now like). My parents definitely learned how to hide veggies in the meal, which is a move I still use on myself and my husband.

  2. Love these! And we are already praying that your namesake does not follow in your footsteps when it comes to her veggies. Love you!

  3. Love this!! :) Blakely rocks her pink shirt by Nutmeg Doodles. It's too cute! What a fun give-away.

  4. I follow your blog - and my kid LOVES his vegetables. It's fruit he's not so crazy about...

  5. So excited and a little baffled. I have been on your blog before recently.. which is kinda crazy because I am very new to the blogging world. I just refound you through Megans FB! I went to High School with her! Im not sure how our paths crossed twice in such a short amount of time but I wouldnt to stop and say hello!

  6. So thankful you obviously weren't scarred for life! If memory serves me right, it wasn't just veggies with you...but most anything except for your top 3 favorites..(salami, bacon and sugar by the bag?) With 6 other siblings watching its hard to let that slide! HA
    Love the T's!


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