[here and there] Tooz-day

While I was away on Maui for the weekend, Chris bought a Jeep Wrangler. This thing is a monster. When he picked me up from the airport, I was wearing a cute little red sundress and I'm afraid I may have flashed a few people as I literally climbed into the thing. (As I was typing this, @Jeep started following me on twitter... strange.) Chris took the Jeep out camping on the beach with the guys for its debut. Looks like he was able to have a little fun despite being miserable and lonely without me. ;)

I was going to post pictures from Maui girls' weekend, but Blogger is acting funky and they just turn into little blue boxes when I load them onto the page. Anyone else have that problem today?? Oh well, that shall be a post for another day. 

So, in my first two days of opening shop on Etsy, I've been featured in THREE treasuries! Treasuries are   collections of different items that sellers put together to showcase their favorite shops or to highlight noteworthy or new shops. It's a fun way to get some exposure and check out other shops. Check out the three I've been a part of already! 

Yesterday, I had plans to run errands and get things done around the house. By the time 10am rolled around, I was still in pjs in bed, playing on the computer. I made the executive decision to stay in my pjs all day and not do anything. I'm an uber- social person but I think after a busy weekend, I need to just have some alone time. Thank you US Navy, for allowing me to be a stay at home wife! :)

Have a great Tooz-day peeps!


  1. It is noon, I am in pajama pants and a tank top blogging. I thank the United States Navy everyday that I don't have to stress over the job hunt with moves and can stay with the dogs and lounge.


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