I Painted a Wave. And a Palm Branch. Woo.

First of all, happy happy birthday to my mama! I've told you a lot how amazing she is and it's all very true. Did I ever tell you about her looove for Starbucks? So much so that she knows the baristas in our neighborhood store and they all know her 'usual'. Tall American with room for cream. She's also an avid gardener and has a yard full of the most gorgeous hydrangea bushes.

Last year, my older sister, Jola and I went into Starbucks and we saw an arrangement of flowers on the counter, seemingly brought in by a caring customer. Wait a second. I thought. Those look too familiar. The flowers, the arrangement, the mason jar. I called my mom and said "Mom, did you leave something at Starbucks today?" She said "Oh, you mean my hydrangeas?! Aren't they beautiful?'  

So there you go. She's caring, she's a coffee lover and she grows awesome flowers. :) (And she birthed and  raised seven really amazing children... with some help from my equally awesome dad.) Happy Birthday Mom. 

I've got a few more paintings to show you. The first one is one I finished last week for the Etsy shop. It's a washy turquoise background with a pure white palm leaf design on a 16 x 20" canvas. I kinda lurve it. 

And this other painting is a behemoth. This baby's not for sale, it's all mine. It's a triptych made of three 24 x 36 canvases. I'm painting it as new artwork for our living room (which is getting a little change-a-roo this weekend) and I'm not finished yet but I wanted to show it to you guys anyway because I'm really excited about how it's turning out. 

The wave is made of lots of blue  and purple dashes of acrylic paint. Today I'll be adding some more color and variation to the wave and we'll be hanging it this weekend. Can't wait to show it to you all finished next week!

And here they are just chilling together in my dining room. (I think I need to convince Chris we need a bigger dining room table... solely for the purpose of creating huge canvases. Oh, and having lots of babies later on.)

I'm so stinkin' excited about this weekend. Chris knew he had a three day weekend with Monday off (and no duty!) but just found out yesterday that he'll have Friday off too! So it's a four day weekend for us! It's so rare for us to have this much time off together in Hawaii and we've already got quite a list of things we want to do. He'll be working late tonight to ensure that he doesn't have to go in over the weekend so that gives me enough time to finish up the wave painting (and clean my messy house!) before he gets home. 


  1. FUN Artwork!! Love the movement of the wave. And the palm leaf is super cool - you could do another just like it in a contrasting color OR the opposite effect - teal leaf and white background.

    Have a SUPER weekend with the hubs - I'm looking forward to a long weekend with mine too!!

  2. Your paintings are awesome! You are quite talented!!

  3. Lindsay,
    You are not only an awesome artist and daughter, but you made my day with your sweet blog notes.

    Love the memories the picture of my hand and my coffee brings back. Delish meal at Crepes No Ka'Oi in Kailua.

    Love seeing your gifts and talents of writing and art bless others.

  4. Oh my goodness: I LOVE your mom... would she like another daughter and son-in-law? I will take you for coffee anytime, Mama!

    I just love the wave panels! How gorgeous! I can't wait to see the finished design!

  5. I love love love that wave painting! You may have inspired me.

    Happy birthday to your mom :)

  6. Love, love, love the art work and can't wait for the shop to open! Also, so happy I found your blog! :)


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