Um, Who's the Artist in this Family??

Disclaimer: I'm probably going to bore you with all this art talk, but I'm sure you can deal with it. Come back in a few days and you'll get some deployment talk. Then we'll get back to art again. {Hey, it's my blog! and those two things are kind of taking over my life right now.}

A few weeks after we started going to our church here in Hawaii, we walked into the sanctuary  (on Aloha time, of course, so praise and worship had already started) and I noticed a young guy painting a huge canvas on stage. I was intrigued and had a hard time focusing on singing as I watched this painting develop before my eyes. Twenty minutes later, a beautiful landscape had emerged and Del (the painter) began to share an encouraging word with the congregation, using his painting as a visual. This is the first time I heard about "Prophetic Art" and though I was a little taken aback by the term, I was also drawn in.

Fast forward six months. We've been living here for a while and I have now seen Del paint his prophetic art on stage many times. I've also gotten to know him a little bit and found out that he is an encouraging, inspirational artist. I see in the church bulletin an announcement for "Prophetic Art Classes with Del!" Wow, what a neat opportunity to learn more about this revolutionary (in my world, anyway) form of worship. And so, I signed up.

I've gone to the art class a few times now. What an encouraging time! The first week, Del spoke a bit about how he began and what it really is and I realized that it is not as scary as it seems (especially coming from a PCA "Frozen Chosen" background). He explained that he was hesitant when he began doing prophetic art last year, but it has touched so many people since he began.

The idea behind prophetic art is that you are listening to God throughout the week, asking Him to share an image, a word of encouragement and putting that onto canvas. It's not 'prophetic' in the sense that one is predicting the end of the world, but simply that the artist is communicating a 'revelation', a word of encouragement through the means of art. {I'm obviously not an expert on it, but this is what I've taken from my discussions with Del}

I love that it is a form of worship we don't normally see and I really love that Chris and I are attending a church where things like this (and hula at worship services--I love that!) are accepted and welcomed.

I share all of that with you so that I can share this with you. {This is where the title comes in!}

This last week, Chris went with me to my class and I must confess that I have greatly underestimated my amazing husband up until this point. He is allowing me to share the painting he created on Sunday with you. I think it is beautiful and powerful and it really speaks to me. Here it is:

The wild, raging waves really reflect my heart this week. Chris said that the Navy Hymn "Eternal Father, Strong to Save" was in his head as he painted. The hymn's lyrics speak of the might of the ocean and how even the deepest waters answer to God.

"Eternal Father, Strong to save,
Whose arm hath bound the restless wave,
Who bid'st the mighty Ocean deep
Its own appointed limits keep"

My God is the Ruler of the deep, wild ocean and there is nothing out of his realm. That was so encouraging to me this week and I hope that it brings encouragement to you too. 


  1. this is really cool, and that IS a wonderful painting! i absolutely LOVE the fusion of art and worship - for me, especially dance. i recently danced at my church for the first time. it was such a pleasure to bring a new form of worship into my church body!! =)


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