Setting Goals
- I want to spend more time in prayer with God, seeking His will and sharing my heart. Usually I tend to do this more during lonely times, but I want to be deliberate with it.
- I am going to read my Bible each day. I am so very un-disciplined in this. It's so bad that as I write this, I am realizing that I need to find my Bible before I can start on this one.
- Paint, paint, paint. I think this will be an easy one since I am taking two painting classes (!!) and my dining 'nook' is full of art supplies just waiting to be used. I am excited to have the time, supplies and room to devote to art!
- I want to take a class or two at the base gym (Zumba, belly dancing, hula?? The possibilities are endless!) Right now, the only exercise I get is surfing a few times a week and I think this will be a great opportunity to meet new people, stay fit and stay busy!
- Cook a real meal at least twice a week. When Chris is away, I tend to eat really poorly and just snack. It's really not fun cooking for one. I have to admit that sometimes I forget to eat all day. Sad, I know. So, whether I have friends over to share a meal or just make something yummy and eat the leftovers the rest of the week, I'm going to make myself eat real meals!
They're not earth-shaking goals, but I think having them will help me to be deliberate about the time I spend and I'll have less time sitting around the house feeling sorry for myself. Chris and I both really desire that this will be a great time of growth for both of us and though we're not looking forward to being apart, we are excited to see how God grows us!
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