Thankful Thursdays

Got this idea from Katie over at Loves of Life, so I'm taking the opportunity to be thankful today. Here we go!

I am thankful...

...that Chris and I are able to email almost every day. I can't describe the excitement I get when I sit down to my computer and see his address in my inbox!

...that he emailed me some pictures the other day! I love seeing his handsome face. Ooh, I love him!

...for friends that call, text, send me a message on Facebook just to see how my day is going.

...for Dark Chocolate Klondike bars! Just the sort of pick-me-up I need sometimes. Crunchy chocolatey goodness on the outside, creamy cold goodness on the inside. Yum. 

...that my little sister will be here in Hawaii in 9 days!! I'm looking forward to laying on the beach, cooking together, jumping on the bed and celebrating her 18th birthday!

...that God loves me and even when I feel completely alone, the truth is, I am not. 

...that Chris agreed to get a television and cable for me while he's gone and so now I have "company" in the evenings. 

Things have been good here this week--for the most part. I miss Chris a ton and I've had a few rough afternoons here and there. Today I started crying while at the counter at the Post Office. That was fun. But having things to look forward to (like little sis coming to visit!) and setting small goals for myself (ooh, I should work on painting this afternoon..) is really helping to keep my head (and heart) up. 


  1. i love that your heart flutters a little bit when you get an email from your man :)

    and mmmm those klondike bars.....;)


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