Four Years

Four years ago today, Chris asked me to be his girlfriend and to start a relationship, considering marriage. 

His original plan of taking me to see the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra got bagged when we got completely lost in a huge thunderstorm. 

[We look like such babies!!]

So, we ended up at the Starbucks inside Barnes & Noble at the Inner Harbor. I had a Jones soda, and he had a coffee and we sat at a table on the balcony. 

I'd like to think we talked for hours, but I'm pretty sure we just sat and smiled giddily at each other for awhile. 

I knew that night that I would marry Chris. 

The past four years have been filled with adventures I never thought I'd have, conversations that have changed my life, days full of laughter and hugs I wished would never end. 

We've been through countless geographical separations, each coupled with a beautiful reunion. 

We've traveled together in Spain, Mexico, Japan, Honduras, Belize, across America and through the Hawaiian islands. 

I'm amazed by the blessings God has poured down on us and I'm so thankful to have this man by my side as my husband. 

I love you Chris! Thank you for four incredible years together!


  1. So cute! Isn't it fun to look back at old pics and think about what life was like back then?


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