review + giveaway from bw prints!

Last month, I put out a call for sponsors, hoping for one or two small biz owners to contact me about jumping on board with sponsoring the blog. The response I got was overwhelming and for the past month, I've been really lucky to have the chance to get to know these creative people just a little bit more, and I'm excited about the opportunities I have to share their talents with you.

One of those awesome creative people was Bobbi. She creates designs for her print shop called BW Prints. Filled with colorful and graphic art prints, her shop is a treat to look through, and after just a few of our conversations, I've come to know that her heart is sweet. 

She recently sent a few of her prints my way, and each one is uniquely gorgeous. The paper they are printed on is a thick and smooth, perfect for propping up all by itself on a bookshelf, or hanging in a gallery with a bulldog clip. 

The "Your Grace..." print found its way onto our side table in the living room (next to my Lindsay Letters print), and I love the reminder of those words each day. The quote on the print comes from Hillsong United's lyrics, "Deepest Waters". 

To give you just a peek at the heart behind these prints, I asked Bobbi a few questions about her art. 

How did you get started in the print making art? 

Sometimes I wish I had a more glamorous story about how I began making prints, but the simplicity of it proves it was 100% God. In the summer of 2012, I became super interested in photography, and eventually decided to start freelancing in my spare time (this is now laughable to me because I'm really not great at photography). Almost immediately after I began working on the logo for my "business," my love for graphic design, typography, and art in general was reignited. I'd been really passionate about art in high school, but gave it up in college because I wasn't sure what I'd do with an art degree besides teach. But lucky for me and so many other amazing artists out there, Etsy was created! Being able to make art that incorporates God's Word is honestly my dream job! 

Which is your favorite print in your shop right now and why? 

 I think my favorite print from my shop right now (because I tend to be super indecisive) would have to be this one ("I Have Loved You With An Everlasting Love") or this one ("To Your Name Be The Glory"). I'm obsessed with brush lettering and anything hand painted, and Psalm 115:1 is also my life verse. 

What do you hope these art prints will do for the people who own them? 

The hope I have for people who buy from my shop is that they would encounter The Gospel. I pray often that my prints, specifically my scripture prints, would not only reassure them of their worth in Jesus, but also that people in their lives - friends, family, coworkers - would be encouraged. I always try to design prints that will stand out because I want His Word to stand out in people's homes :)

Want to own some of Bobbi's pretty prints? Enter in the RaffleCopter widget below to win your choice of any TWO prints from her shop! Giveaway ends next Tuesday, May 13th. The mandatory entry is to "favorite" your fave print in Bobbi's shop on Etsy, and there are several other optional entries. 

I was provided the prints for reviews and this post contains my sincere and honest opinions. Thank you for supporting the sponsors that help keep HelloHue running!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. So lovely! Thanks for sharing her art with us!

  2. Loving these prints! Thank you for sharing! I wasn't sure what information to put in the Rafflecopter. Perhaps I missed something? I put my etsy name in the blank. Was that correct?

    1. Oops-- thanks for catching that. Forgot to fill that part in. Perfect, Laura!

    2. :) Thanks for getting back to me!


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