click these links { mamas edition!}

It was a little bit of a rough week as a mom. Not awful, by any means, but I'm just thankful we've made it to Friday. Within the course of three days, I threw out my back (while lifting Si to kiss a boo-boo!), Silas had a case of nursemaid's elbow (that freaked me out just a little!), and then yesterday, he fell smack into doorway corner and busted his nose. So here's hoping this weekend, we see less injuries and last minute doctor's visits. That'd be nice. 

Below are some of my favorite links this week, mostly pertaining to motherhood, because if you didn't realize.... this Sunday is Mother's Day. I'm not expecting any fanfare or elaborate gifts-- just a sunny day spent with my guys. 

Anyway, click away, and have a great weekend! 

These gorgeous robes and lounge sets from Plum Pretty Sugar look so luxurious. One of those robes would be the perfect gift for a mama settling into being home with a newborn. 

If you're into reading birth stories-- I'm feeling particularly nostalgic about Si's, as I get ready for this second baby to come in the fall. Here's part one and part two

While planning baby girl's nursery, I re-fell in love with Ivie Baby shop. You might just giggle in delight at all the fun colors and patterns in their blankets, crib sheets and pillows. They're the very definition of eye candy. 

This post is a sobering, but excellent read for anyone that comes into contact with mamas who have lost little ones. I'm thankful for Heather's insight into a grieving mama's heart. 

Thrive Moms published a great post this week--a reminder about the lies we let ourselves believe as mamas. 

Stumbled upon any awesome links this week? Feel free to share in the comments below! 


    Fabulous encouragement.

  2. Thank you for reminding me that I need to post my birth story as well! I have it written but I want to make sure that I have it properly documented, especially so that in my nostalgic moments as I watch my baby girl grow so quickly, I can remember that amazing moment when we met. Congrats on your second pregnancy! (Oh and that Iviebaby stuff is divine!!)


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