little sis!

All week we've been reveling in the fact that we get to be parents to a sweet baby girl! I've been convinced for weeks that it had to be a girl, since my pregnancy has been so vastly different from last time. My midwife was even sure that pink was in our future. It's obviously true that people have different pregnancies with the same gender all the time, but I think I just knew. It's been sweet to know her just a little bit better this week and oh, the fun it's been to dream.

Yes, her first headband has already been purchased. I couldn't resist this simply sweet knotted turban by Lemons and Lace

Baby girl is already deeply loved by so many, including her big bro who loves to pat my tummy and garble some version of the name that's on top of our list. 


  1. congrats! i first "met" you when you were pregnant with is uber adorable. and it'll be fun to see how she comes along as well. yay!

  2. Had a feeling u might have a girl!... She will be just as adorable as her big brother!..Your parents must be over the moon w/this news!

  3. Ahh!! I had a feeling it was a girl for you guys (or maybe I was secretly hoping cause big bros are awesome!). I'm really happy for you all - how exciting!!

  4. Ah! So so fun!!!! Congrats!!! She is going to be one stylin chick! So happy for you guys!

  5. congrats on the baby girl! having one of each is so fun!

  6. Congrats! We have an 18 month old son and are expecting a baby girl next month. So excited for you, Chris, and Si!

  7. Oh how exciting!!! Congratulations! :)

  8. So weird how you "know" before you know. It can be such a strong feeling! Congrats!

  9. Congratulations! A girl is so exciting!

  10. I am so excited that it's a girl! I am oddly invested in someone I only know from the internet (and The Influence Network) ;) heehee...I wanted it to be a girl for you soo badly! Perfect! So happy for all three of you!

    1. Haha, thanks! I would have been totally stoked to have two boys though. Brothers are so fun! But one of each will be a blast too!

  11. So exciting! Congrats on the little girl!

  12. Aw, how wonderful! Congratulations!

  13. Awe congrats how wonderful! I was hoping for a little girl but ya can't always get what you wish for I guess ;) I'm expecting to meet our little man in the next few weeks!

    1. Boys are SO much fun! When we found out that Si was a boy, it took me a few hours to get used to the idea, because I SO wanted a girl. But now I wouldn't trade having a boy first for anything!

  14. Congrats! Little girls are wonderful :)

  15. I LOVE that we're both having opposite of what we had last time ;) It's kind of like new adventures! Also, where is your dress from, I LOVE it.

    1. YES! So much fun! The dress is from Target, girl! Xhilaration brand-- which I think is the teen brand, but whatever. SO comfy! Definitely recommend for a baby belly!


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