{new blog series!] good words.

This is the first in a little blog series I've been brainstorming. I come across a lot of quotes that make me stop and think, make me chuckle or smile. So, whenever I run across a good one, I'll be sharing it here. It might be a profound thought or something silly. I also thought it was a good excuse to practice hand-lettering more often and to share some of my quick sketches with you.

So here ya go -- today's good words.

"The problem with comparison is that you always feel either better than someone else
 or worthless compared to someone else." - Dillon Burroughs

The habit of comparison is a nasty little illness and I find that more often than not, it completely freezes me up to do anything productive or life-giving. When I'm caught in a cycle of comparison, I forget that I am a daughter of the King. Some of the lies I find myself ruminating on are that my art is not good enough, my clothes are not posh enough, my belly not flat enough. I find parts of myself to be worthless compared to someone else, when in reality, none of my worth is found in any of those things.

Our Bible study is doing a 10 week exploration of the Bible and one of the recurring themes is that God called us his people from the very beginning and throughout history He continually draws us back to Himself, based on no merit of our own! I've been dwelling on that thought a lot this week. 

I have no idea who Dillon Burroughs is, but I love that his words expose the complete waste of time that comparison is. 


  1. Thanks so much for this post! I really needed to hear this today, and love that quote! :)

  2. Awesome quote, thanks for sharing! And I love seeing your prints - they are always so pretty!

  3. " throughout history He continually draws us back to Himself, based on no merit of our own" amen. thanks for sharing such good words.

  4. What a great quote--it reminds me of Theodore Roosevelt's wise quote, comparison is the thief of joy. I'm excited for this new series and can't wait for the next post! Not only are the words true, but your artwork is beautiful, girl!

    1. Yes- I love that quote too! So simple, but full of truth. I'm excited that you are excited about the new series!

  5. so true! thanks for sharing :)

  6. That is a quote about something I really struggle with: comparing myself to others. And this quote is SO true. Better to just be yourself and be happy with that. But we all know sometimes that's easier said than done.

    1. I agree, Krysten. Definitely easier said than done. But it's worth repeating to ourselves if that's what we must do. Comparison is so ugly and it's so prevalent in the blogging world, and amongst women in general. Makes me sad.

  7. I am a collector of quotes so I am going to love this series!! :) And I love this quote, such truth!! :)

  8. I love this name for your series "good words". I post a quote every Sunday on my blog, but I use my photos along with words. I love that you're using your illustrations! Can't go wrong with using words that make you think....

    Laura @ luckypennylove.com

  9. thanks for sharing your thoughts on this! I'm a new reader of your blog and really enjoy your posts! comparison is something I struggle with constantly. good to know I'm not alone :)

    1. Hi Ruth! Thanks so much for reading! You are definitely not alone, girl. It's a tough struggle, for sure.

  10. i love this. what a great way to keep track of all the best quotes we come across...because sometimes there's just too many on pinterest! :)

  11. Thanks for the reminder! It's especially helpful as I'm in a season of figuring out how to be a mom.

    I think I'm gonna love this new series!

  12. ahh, that quote is SO true!!
    I look forward to seeing more quotes!

  13. Love this! And it's the worst! It's sometimes so hard not to but I have learned each morning to count my blessings from the day before helps.

  14. Love this! And it's the worst! It's sometimes so hard not to but I have learned each morning to count my blessings from the day before helps.


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