clobbered floors and open doors.

We've been in our house for ten days now. To be home is so sweet, and getting to wake up in this house every day is a dream. There's a ginormous pile of broken-down boxes on the back porch and half of the rooms are clobbered with piles of stuff, but you won't find me complaining. Home cooked meals trump eating out every day, and getting to make a new house into a home for us is so much fun for me. (Except I can't decide on a living room rug-- white flokati or a colorful flat weave? Why are these silly decisions so difficult?) 

We've found a church that we love and we're already hosting home group! I've learned with each move to just jump right in, and we've definitely done that this time. Something I've felt really strongly about lately is letting God use this house however He wants. He's blessed us with more than we need and I'm excited to see how He's going to use it for His glory. Chris' parents are especially great at this, and I love seeing the flow of people that God brings into their lives through their hospitality and generosity. They've been a great example for me of keeping our doors open. 

I'll be sharing more house pictures as we get settled, and I am really hoping to open the shop back up this month. Life is busy and crazy, but oh-so-good right now. 


  1. I love how you have jumped right in to your new town. I struggled with that.. and still do when we moved to RI almost two years ago.

    I cannot wait until you share more house photos.

    Have a great week :)

  2. Congrats on the new house! The pictures are beautiful. It makes me miss Boston! I used to live in Medford and teach in Arlington. So glad you have found a church home so quickly- God is good!

  3. It looks like a beautiful place!

  4. That is awesome that you are able to jump right in like that. I'm pretty darn outgoing but I definitely struggle with that. Can't wait to see more pics of the new place!

  5. I love the thought of letting God use the house however he wants - every time we move I make that my prayer before we even sign on the dotted line and before we move anything in. After all, it's all His anyway right? ;)

  6. Love Silas on his tippy toes!! So cute!

  7. Aw, we moved cross-country almost 2 months ago, and it's been fun following your move too! It's encouraging to see you guys jumping right in - I need to get better at that around here!

  8. All wonderful news friend. Great shots!!

  9. That is so great! I can't wait to settle down a little more but we have a couple more years in Europe before we do. Love your pictures, it looks gorgeous!

  10. It's very brave of you to just jump right in, I'd be so shy!

  11. Your house looks so sweet! I can't wait to see what you do with it!

  12. This post just makes me so happy for you!! The few glimpses of your home look absolutely fabulous, your sweet babe is precious beyond words, you've made it through your 'homeless" summer beautifully, and you're opening your shop up again soon. Did you ever think you'd make it?! Phew, I'm impressed, girl!! Live it up. :)
    And PS - I love your post about Chris. He's a pretty awesome guy!

  13. When I think of homes with a great flow of people I always think about your parents house. I want to have a home like theres that is chock full of all life and happiness. Just thinking about being at your house always makes me happy.


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