bloggy buds.

The internet is crazy. When I was younger I would never have entertained the idea that I'd become friends with someone through blogging and invite her to sleep in my house. Thankfully, Mo didn't steal all our valuables (like all my extensive handmade headband collection...) or our baby while she visited this past weekend. This is actually the second time Mo has visited me, (read about the first time here), and I have to say, I like this girl. 

We rode the train into the city a few times and visited the Copley Square Farmer's Market, met up with Erin of Carosello Fete, scarfed down cannolis from Mike's, strolled around Boston Common and stuffed ourselves with fried seafood. Basically, our whole visit centered around food. What I really enjoyed though, were the front porch conversations we got to share-- about blogging, babies, and everything in between. 


  1. My Instagram won't let me do videos either. Weird. Glad you've made such a sweet friend!

  2. I remember when we got internet and my parents told me to NEVER talk to strangers on it. My how things have changed!

  3. Looks like the two of you had a fun time! I love your matching outfits and you both look so pretty!

    And I am so with you on making blogging friends! When I first started blogging I was super skeptical of the bloggers who met up and truly befriended other bloggers. But the more that I blog and meet other people, the more I realize it's completely possible! Now I just have to schedule a meet-up with them! :)

  4. I NEVER imagined that the internet would bring me some of my closest friends and favorite trips. Some of my best trips have been to visit bloggers, who are actually really awesome friends who just happen to live plane rides away.

  5. what kind of phone do you have? i have an android and i read that IG hasn't made a way for us android users to post video's yet!! only iphones! "updates should be coming soon"??? hope so!


    (first time commenter.)

  6. looks like you girls had soooo much fun!! soo jealous~!!!

    and i have been having trouble with my android too and uploading videos!! it USED to work, but suddenly stopped working, so sad!! hope they get it fixed soon!

    Sandy a la Mode

  7. Love you guys!!! SO FUN! Can't wait to see you both soooooo soon!

  8. aww i was following this on IG!!! looked like a fabulous time!!!! can't wait to meet you all SOON!!! Influence Net Con 2013!!!! XO


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