this morning.

Being back home in Maryland is doing my soul good. Even on the mornings when Silas and I are the only ones in the house, it feels far less lonely than our mornings in Florida. 

Today we woke up slowly, played for a little bit and talked about Daddy and the adventures he's having in the Pacific.  

While Silas napped, I made a french toast breakfast for myself and sipped coffee from a mug I threw in a college ceramics class. 

Si played on my oldest sister's baby blanket and chased after toys that were in my childhood toy bin. 

Later tonight, I'll hand Si off to my dad and at least have a chance to sit with a bowl of icecream without chasing after my so-close-to-crawling baby boy. Feeling thankful this week. And restful. 


  1. awww so glad that you get to be with family!!! it must feel good having the help! great pics girl!!

  2. So glad you are refueling your soul with your family! LOve these sweet photos...xoxo

  3. It's so wonderful that you can be with your family! That little boy of yours is adorable and these pictures are gorgeous!

  4. I'm so glad you are doing well over there! He's just getting cuter and cuter.

  5. Oh, I love cozy mornings! :)
    The mug you made is so pretty! I was an art major in college & regret that I never took a ceramics class.

    1. I loved my ceramics class! I bet you can find one at a local community college or art school!

    2. I loved my ceramics class! I bet you can find one at a local community college or art school!

  6. arwww. i love these pictures!! and i can't believe how handsome s. is!! he's just soo perfect.

    another thing...
    i am doing a blog-representation on my blog and it would be such an honor for me if you leave a comment and be a part of this... <3

  7. Sounds like a good morning lady. I hope you two are doing okay!

  8. Glad you are getting some rest and relief from your family to take moments to yourself.

  9. Great photos! When did Silas get some teeth? I must have missed that. He is so cute and growing so quickly. My babe will be 6 tomorrow!! I hear ya on the loneliness, my hubby has been gone almost two weeks on a business trip but is due home a few days early tonight. We are so excited around here.

  10. so beautiful! love Sila's new teeth, so cute!

  11. That is great! Time with family, plus time to relax and be "off mom-duty" - perfect!

    Let me know if you want a coffee date/playdate. We just got orders to O'ahu from DC and I'd love to pick your brain. But then again, you need all of the relaxing you can get!

  12. I'm glad you're able to spend some time with your family! Love these pictures!

  13. Wonderful! So glad you are enjoying the time in MD :)

  14. I love using pieces I made in pottery class too! So satisfying and solid in my hands.

  15. What? Teeth?? When did that happen??!! SO CUTE. (I follow you from afar...Oregon) Love your lil blog and shop. Expecting our first in 9 weeks...a son...can't wait for your shop to open back up to order a "welcome to the adventure" print for his room!!

  16. Loving your photos, and super stoked to follow along :)


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