click these links.

I've been eating French toast for breakfast every morning this week. So, as I sit here and eat my breakfast, I thought I'd share a few of my favorite links from the week. Also, we're waiting for the birth of one of Silas' new cousins, so I've got to do something to distract myself from the anxious waiting! :)

This love story from my best bloggy buddy, Moriah, had me in tears. My favorite line-- "We've watched God call us to do things we never thought possible in order for us to be blessed beyond our own understanding."

I love this list of 50 closet must-haves for a fashionista from Chic Street Style. 

This sweet little blog is written by Leslie, whose gorgeous three month old was born with a form of dwarfism. The words she writes for her daughter are awe-inspiring. 

Aren't the colors in the Little Things Studios Etsy shop just gorgeous? I could click through her shop all day. 

And finally, I'll end with this profound post by Kim. She wrote just the words and reminders I needed this week, as I was relying on my own energy to carry me through. Read it and be encouraged! 

Happy Friday! Enjoy your weekend!


  1. I really loved reading Leslie's blog...when my daughter was born with an abnormality it took Jesus, hope, grace and a ton of support to get through the beginning...thanks so much for sharing the link!

  2. Mmm... french toast! :) I'm off to check out the links right now. Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful weekend. xo.

  3. Thanks for the link love - they were all great!! Yumm, your french toast has been looking so delicious every morning!

  4. Ahhh. French toast is delicious! Leslie's post is just beautiful.

  5. french toast, fruit, coffee, and Mac time- bliss.

  6. Thanks for these reads!! I checked them all out :) Happy Weekend!

  7. thanks for the shout out friend! i'm so glad the Lord used it in such a timely way for both of us. He seems to enjoy teaching us similar lessons at the same time :)


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