it's the little things: baby kisses and penguin sweaters

Some of my happy little things from this week:

baby kisses (really attack my face and eat my nose kisses) from Silas
tiny notebooks filled with lists, ideas and doodles
our new blanket from Stitched Simplicity came just in time for our trip! I love the fabrics I picked out! 
I dug this penguin sweater out of his stash of clothes and it fits him perfectly. I want one in my size. 

At the moment, I'm in a bit of a rush doing last minute packing. We're headed North to visit with family while Chris is away and all I can think about is a nap once we get there. Looking forward to having tons of family around to help with this little guy and that's no little thing at all. 

What made you smile this week? 

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  1. silas is one cute mister! i love his kissing style. :-) those notebooks are also adorable. where did you get them?

  2. Silas is seriously one of the cutest kids out there! His smile is contagious!

  3. Have fun with your family! With a two week old in our house now, I know how invaluable family is.:-)

  4. Oh my goodness he looks SO CUTE in that shirt!

  5. I love those four pictures of you and Silas. So adorable!

  6. Hope you have a great little trip and get some rest!!

  7. Your photos are so lovely and so adorable as well!

  8. Hey, I'm a new follower! Found you at the Monday meet-up! You have such a lovely blog!

    Follow back? :)


  9. Such beautiful moments captured in these pictures! I hope you have a wonderful time with family and feel the support (and get the rest!) you need.


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