
As I type this, I'm sitting in my parents' family room in Maryland. Yeah, I'm just about as surprised as you are. Chris got a call on Friday morning, before his graduation, with the opportunity to go help with some salvage work in New York City. Of course, he jumped on the opportunity to help out. 

So, that's how I find myself in Maryland this week. We drove up over the weekend and enjoyed a night with family before he left for NYC on Tuesday morning. 

I've felt ridiculously blessed this week. I get to spend time with family while Chris is serving in NYC. Silas gets to be smothered by aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents who love him. The weather is delightfully frigid and I can dress Si in really cute winter clothes. And even though my chosen candidate didn't win, I had the privilege of exercising my right to vote on Tuesday night. God is good. 

And now it's bedtime for this tired mama. Nothing like crawling under the covers on a cold, rainy night. 


  1. Wow that's awesome that Chris is off helping in NYC, and it's pretty great you got to go spend time with your fam. Double win!

  2. Love that last pic. Soak up family time girl.

  3. that last pic is adorable! Silas is lucky to have so much love! so nice to spend time with family!

  4. who is that cute boy in the orange sweatshirt? somehow he looks related to ya!. stay safe and hope the storm doesn't come close

  5. So thrilled you got to go home and unexpected is the best! :) I know you are in heaven sharing Si with everyone! Hope you guys are having a great time and that Chris is good in NYC. Enjoy it all. Soak up a tad for me, too. :) See you when you return!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Look at all those adorable faces!

  8. Love watching your journey on Instagram :) You are all just the cutest. Family time is the best!

  9. Very glad for you for time with family. It's the best! I just got back recently from a month at home in the States with my family (my husband is currently stationed in Italy) and it was wonderful to be there... especially this time of year!



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