Carseat SideKick giveaway!

You know what's really awesome? Having a problem and then someone emails you about a product that completely makes that problem irrelevant. And then they want to send you that product to try it out! 

This happened last month. Chris and I were continuously frustrated with the straps in Silas' carseat. When we'd go to put him in, the straps would be trapped under his little body and the ensuing attempt to strap him in would make us all a little crazy.

This is where Carseat Sidekick comes in and saves the day! This genius device uses magnets to hold the straps out while you place your little one in the carseat. It's simple, affordable and incredibly helpful. Check out their product video here to learn more about how the Carseat Sidekick works. 

Chris and I love our CarSeat Sidekick. It's made getting Silas ready to go so much easier. He doesn't fuss as much when we put him in and the process goes a lot faster too. I love the patterns and color choices they offer. 

The awesome people at Carseat Sidekick are offering to give away TWO of their Sidekicks today-- one green and one pink! 

I know you will love this product, so I'm super excited about this giveaway! See how to enter below!

Mandatory entry::

Leave a comment below and tell me about a favorite roadtrip or roadtrip you'd love to take with your little one! Also, tell me which color you would choose! 

*Please make sure your email is either in the comment or accessible through your username.**

Additional entry:

Like CarSeat Sidekick on Facebook!

I'll randomly choose TWO winners next Monday, November 26th! 

(Can't wait for the giveaway to end? Check out the promo code on Hello Hue sidebar for 20% off!)


  1. We'll be taking our little one (almost 3 months old) back home for the first time, for Christmas! These look great - I've been struggling with the car seat straps too! I would choose green. Thanks for the chance!

  2. Wow this looks really cool. I would love to have the green one!

  3. Such a great idea! I would definitely pick the orange one!
    Our little girl is due while my husband is overseas. When he gets home we plan on taking a roadtrip from Texas to Washington to visit family. I cannot wait!


  4. I like cars eat sidekick on Facebook!

  5. I would choose green, since we are adopting a little boy!! :)

    And favorite road trip with the family is probably going to CA :)

  6. My favorite road trip was 2summers ago when my husband and I meet up with my family in the Midwest for a family reunion. Showing my husband all the places I went as a kid was more fun than I thought it would be...he seemed to enjoy himself too.

  7. I love the orange ones!

  8. liked them on facebook!

  9. What a great idea! The road trip we are most looking forward to taking our little guy on is up to Duck Creek, Utah next spring. It's a beautiful area on the back of Zion National Park. I'd love the green set and also liked on Facebook.

  10. I would love to take my little boy to the beach for the first time! and I love the orange ones!

    Brilliant idea!!

  11. i liked carseat sidekick on facebook!

  12. BRILLIANT! :) I want to take my kids to Yellowstone (because I haven't been there yet) and to Bryce and Zion Canyons because I loved them so much, I want to go back.

    libertypike at live dot com

  13. I liked them on Facebook.

    Oh! I would pick orange. :)

  14. We'd like to drive to visit relatives.

    lovelydomesticdiva (at) gmail (dot) com

  15. Oh, and I would choose green.

    lovelydomesticdiva (at) gmail (dot) com

  16. I would love the green and blue one!

    We live about an hour away from my in-laws, so we will be spending quite a bit of time in the car during that first year.

    Carrie (

  17. Wow, this really is genius. I am already tired of pulling the straps out from under my baby girl, and we have a baby boy due in just a couple months to join her in these problems! I'd go for the Sidekicks in blue. :-)

  18. We drive 4 hours to La Crosse WI very frequently to visit family and these would definitely come in handy! We'd choose the orange!

  19. I like Carseat SideKick on Facebook!

  20. I NEED THIS!! i'd love to take a road trip back to san diego! i'd pick pink!

  21. Oh count me in on this one!! We have taken three road trips with our two foster babies already. All 10 hour drives from northern california to southern california to the beach. Twice for vacation and a break and once for our handmade business. actually just got home late last night. the car still needs to be cleaned out! I hear you on the strap issues. I'd take either color since we have one boy and one girl!! going to check them out right this minute!!

  22. Our little one is due on Thursday so no road trips with the boober yet... but my fave road trip was probably the surprise 30th birthday trip I took my hubby on to Northern VA for a Dave Matthews concert.

    eatdrinkanddecorate (at) gmail (dot) com

  23. My favorite road trip is going back to New England to see family! Every time we do, it is wonderful! We will be enjoying those trips with our little one when he/she arrives in the spring!! And I like the orange color!

  24. The orange one would go perfectly with our brown carrier. My dream road trip is to take my 3 month old son on a four corners trip across the U.S. someday. His grandfather did it when he was in college and I would love to show Rhett the country that I am so proud of. It would also come in handy for the trip we are taking from Destin to Dallas tomorrow.

  25. My upcoming road trip-- we are driving up to spend Christmas at the North Pole, well, North Pole, Alaska anyways. My husband and I and our 4 kids ages 11-2 months old.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Green!

    We would love to go the Grand Canyon. My husband has never been.

  28. I'm leaving this comment in honor of my sister and her future bundle of joy. We live on separate sides of the country and I hardly ever get out to see her. She's due in April with her first born and we are all so excited to meet the little guy. Her and her husband are a little nervous about being a mommy and daddy, but I know they will do amazing! I wish I was closer to help with the hard work, so because I have to be so far away, I will try and help from afar! Hopefully they use this amazing invention to take a road trip to visit us!

    I know their little dude would LOVE the green one's!!!!

  29. I love love love this! Our fav road trip this far was our very first one where we drove from eastern PA, Bethlehem...all the way to Columbus, Ohio to see my family when the little man was just 5 weeks old and boy was he a trooper! I'd totally love the orange one, and seriously with a squirmy almost 8 month old this would be a lifesaver!

    I totally liked them on facebook as well! just in case it doesn't work through my profile!

  30. Right now we are very blessed to be visiting with long lost family in Chicago. Lovin' it. Our first road trip post baby (8/12/12).

  31. So far we have taken our daughter on 3 road trips and I think the one we are on right now has been my favorite yet because we are spending several days just hanging out with family!

    oh, and I would go with green!

  32. Very nice! I'm not a mommy yet, but I'm expecting! This is a great thing to have. If I won, I'd choose the green.

  33. This is an ingenious idea! I've had 4 children and my youngest is 8 months old and this has always been a pet peeve :) Why didn't I think of that!? haha

    We'll be meeting my family for Christmas (the first time in 10 years) and this is the road trip we are most looking forward to!

    Since my baby is a boy, I would love green

  34. My first son is due at Christmas! I plan on being a hermit during the winter months but as soon as it's nice out I plan to take my son to see his uncle in North Carolina! The carseat sidekick would be a perfect addition to our trip!!!

  35. I am totally loving the Boy Color and the Gender Neutral!!

    Not sure if my email is found by my profile but if not it's

    If I had a Facebook I'd def. like Carseat SideKick!!!

  36. I would road trip to Seattle, I really like that city. I would get the orange.

  37. My favorite road trip are those to NY to vosit family, and to Florida to hit up the beach with our best friends. Returning to NY where my Mr. and I grew up and St.Pete where we met and sharing t hese places with our boys lights y hearts. I hope they love these places and roadtrips as much as we do! {I would Love the Green!}

  38. I love this and I am having my fifth baby in May and I am always on the go.
    We would love to drive the kids to Disney World.

  39. I can't wait to take my babies on a road trip to DISNEYLAND!

    I'd pick the orange :)


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