bayou joe's

There's a tiny waterfront restaurant in Panama City that I've been hearing about for about 6.5 years. And I've been told many tales of their garbage potatoes. Back when Chris' family was stationed in Panama City, Bayou Joe's was one of their very favorite places to eat. And you must always travel by boat.

With Chris' parents in town, it was the perfect opportunity to visit. So, last Saturday morning, we buckled Si into his infant lifejacket for the first boat ride of his life, bundled up against the wind and headed out in a rented boat to Bayou Joe's. The weather was just the right amount of chilly, the sun was warm and I finally got to try those infamous garbage potatoes.


  1. Beautiful pictures :) you are gorgeous, miss!

  2. You look so great! Just beautiful :) Silas is pretty darn cute too!

  3. What a beautiful day! Y'all look like y'all had so much fun :)

  4. I've eaten there but never travled by boat. We usually just park and walk up. My inlaws live in Pc and I always request a visit here! I love that it sits right on the water and you can look out without windows. :)

  5. That little life jacket is so cute! I've never actually been to Bayou Joe's, but all of your posts make me so excited to come home for Christmas!

  6. great photos! looks like an awesome place!

  7. Those look delicious! What a cool place!

  8. I live in PC! Can't say I've ever been there though. And I have a vague idea of where it is; don't really live too far from it.

  9. Lindsay, i loved this post! Si's expression is ADORABLE!

    On another note, can you tell me more about your bracelet? Looove.


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