three things

Just wanted to pop in and give you the 411 on some things going on over here at Hello Hue. 

{1} First of all, the Little Things linkup is coming back! Starting this Friday, I'll be hosting the linkup again and I hope you'll join me! You can read all about it here. Spend some time this week to pause and appreciate the seemingly small blessings in your life, then share with us on Friday! 

{2} I'm accepting sponsors for November and I'd love to have you! As the holiday season approaches, Hello Hue readers are looking for awesome gifts for their loved ones and your ad on the sidebar could be just the place they find it. Check out my stats/rates here and email me if you're interested. 

{3} I'm working away on some new products and designs for the shop and am really hoping to have it up and running by the end of November. It feels fabulous to pick up my pencil and pens and I'm hoping to get some time painting in the studio this week. Thankful for an awesome mom-in-law who is visiting and willing to watch my baby so I can create! 

Hope you have a great week! Stay warm and safe if you're in the path of Sandy! 


  1. I am so, so, so excited you are bring the little things link-up back. I've been thinking about it a ton lately, and will be here on Friday, for sure. I'm doing a 'thankful living' series on Instagram(jenlives) for November, so this will be PERRRRRFECT. So glad to hear you are back studio, I'm sure that feels great!

  2. So happy that you're making your way back to the studio, Lindsay! I know how hard it is balancing wife, mom and creative roles. Just be sure to give yourself some grace!!! :-)

  3. Yay! Love your link up, such a GREAT reminder to me every week of how blessed I am!

  4. Woot, so excited for the link up to be back and for your shop to be reopening soon!


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