some hints that mommyhood has taken over my life.

If the presence of this cute lil' bugger didn't automatically designate me as a mommy, I think these are some hints that I've arrived. 

>> I cried during the movie Deep Impact (the cheesiest of movies) because the scene where the mom gives her baby to her daughter to save her from the destruction of the world tore my heart out. 

>> I actually want to have conversations about what comes out of the bum of another (little) person.

>> My foot is perpetually moving in a bouncing motion. 

>> Instead of a shower and breakfast to start the day, my morning routine now includes a half-asleep feeding in bed and a sometimes bath for a stinky boy. 

>> My idea of an exciting outing by myself (while Chris takes cares of Si for an hour or two) is strolling the aisles of Target while wearing a non-nursing friendly top. Sometimes if I wanna get really wild, I grab an iced caramel machiatto beforehand. 

>> Gas drops and nose suction bulbs are scattered on my bathroom counter along with my makeup and contact solution. 

>> My camera's battery is almost dead and the memory card is full of photos and videos of Silas. 

>> Every driver on the road is a crazed maniac in my eyes. 

>> A 'hot date' these days is when we actually have time to cook (and eat) dinner together in peace and maybe cuddle on the couch while watching Friday Night Lights. 

What are some hints that being a mama has permeated your life?


  1. This post is so sweet! Silas is getting so big! And you look great :) Did you stick to a specific work out routine post pregnancy?


    1. Hey Lauren, thanks! :) I haven't really done any working out. Just starting to now that I got the all-clear from my doc!

  2. Yes yes yes.

    I get excited when I make a trip into town.
    I know the Blue's Clues songs by heart.
    I have conversations about poop all day, it seems.
    I'm constantly saying things like "Where are your pants?" "Don't eat the dog/cat food!" "What did you just put in your mouth?" "Did you poop?"
    I now say "Night night" instead of goodnight :P

  3. I know all of these too well. TOO WELL. haha Yes, poop is now 80% about the conversation between me and Joe. Even still, when our babies are now toddlers, and their poops are grosser than ever.

  4. oh, yes...I know it all to well. Welcome to the club! I can't believe how big Si is getting. :) Love going to the store by's a breath of fresh air!

  5. I still enjoy a good outing without my 3 year old. It's a vacation to go to the grocery store alone :) And I'm partial to a warm coffee and a good hour pursuing books in the bookstore, sitting in a comfy chair, people watching and the smell of new books.

    1. Mmmm... wish that we had a bookstore close to us, because that would totally be my getaway too!

  6. hahahah> WELCOME, you have arrived to the other side ;)

  7. Haha, this is so true and I totally understand the transition. For me, the first sign was how my reading material interests changed. Suddenly anything birth/pregnancy/baby care related was FASCINATING, and now anything toddler-behavior-related is my favorite kind of book. When did I stop being so drawn to chick lit and classic fiction?!

  8. I keep his little Sophie giraffe in my purse so every now and again I'll hear a little squeak coming from my bag:) also, pacifiers seem to pop out of nowhere: jeans, bags, hubbys coat.
    Cute post!

    1. Ha, love that. Just a little reminder of his presence. ;)

  9. Some hints that motherhood permeated my life:
    *The "appointments" section of my calendar is filled with ballgames and playdates.
    *My purse is full of snacks and books rather than makeup.
    *Being completely alone while taking a bath is the highlight of my day.
    *My reading list has more middle-grade books than novels.
    Catherine Denton

  10. LOL. Yes! Oh how I remember those early months/years as a mama. Still, even with a 9 and 5 year old, some of our best "dates" include the hubby getting take out after the kids are in bed and watching a movie together. :)

  11. I about lose my mind every time we leave the house because every driver on the planet is HORRIBLE and out to hurt my children. NOT OKAY. ;)

  12. you've made an amazing momma I really enjoy watching your journey! i'm so excited for whats to come!

  13. I'm laughing out loud as u read this in my bathrobe bouncing my little one in my lap!

  14. Ha! Not there yet, but it is fun to read about how he has changed your life. What a cutie!

  15. Aw this is so sweet though! It all just shows that you love your boy =-)

  16. yup, yup and yup! isnt it great?!

  17. sweet post! nose suction bulbs are part of my life too lol!

  18. Yes!

    Just wait till the toys take over your house, and you actually start to enjoy singing along with Yo Gabba Gabba. Then you'll know you're a mama to a toddler. Ack!

  19. You look amazing and he is so stinking cute! I'm due next month - but our idea of a hot date is already watching FNL on Amazon prime so.. I just have to look forward to the gas drops and baths :) Stephanie

  20. Ha! I love the line about strolling the aisles of Target in a NON-nursing top! So great. Really one of the highlights these days!

  21. this post. Everything listed above!!! You will find yourself crying over lots of movies and TV shows.


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