oh baby:: two months!

I'm amazed at how much this kiddo has changed in two months. 

He has smiles for me almost all day and loves talking to the ceiling fan in our bedroom like it's his best friend in the world. 

He sucks on his fists--sometimes hilariously loudly! We were walking around Target the other night and I swear you could hear him across the store. 

The gummy grin on his face when he recognizes Chris in the afternoons is priceless. 

He often gets very fussy in the evenings, but baths, the Moby wrap and lots of bouncing usually do the trick to chill him out. 

He had a sad case of baby acne all last month, which kindly showed up after his one month pictures and left before his two month pictures. :)

He wakes up about once in the night now, is outgrowing his swaddlers and usually kicks them off at some point in the night. 

I put away his newborn clothing yesterday, which he outgrew awhile ago. It was bittersweet-- so weird that he will never wear those tiny clothes again, but gosh, it's fun to see him grow! 

He took his first roadtrip with us last weekend to St. Augustine and to see our best friends and their sweet family. He did great and I can't wait for more travel with this little guy. 

I have to admit, in the early days, there were moments of "WHAT did we do? Is our life always going to be this exhausting?" But now I can't imagine our family without Silas. 


  1. It only keeps getting better and better. Those first 6 weeks are the hardest for sure! BUT----- YOU MADE IT!!!! Let the fun begin!

  2. He is a cutie! Isn't weird to see him wearing new clothes that you couldn't have imagined him fitting into back when he was a newborn? So much fun:)

  3. Oh wow, he is such a cutie!

  4. He is so cute!!! Parker is just getting over her acne...she got it really early, like at 2 weeks. I recently just gave away all her newborn clothes...I still can't beleive she was tiny enough to fit into it all!

  5. such a handsome boy! can#t believe he's already two months old!

  6. It truly does just keep getting better and better. Those first six weeks were very tough. And then by six months you think "wow we survived & this ain't so bad!"

  7. Two months already?! I feel like we were just admiring your belly waiting to hear news of him arriving! He sure is a cutie, glad he is healthy, happy, and growing like a weed!

  8. How has is already been two months? Ah he is so cute!

  9. He is CRAZY cute! And I think he actually looks a lot like you already... it's something in the eyes. He's adorable.

  10. Cuteness!!! And it'll only get better.

  11. That outfit is ridiculously cute...although I think anything would look cute on him. He is such a great mix of both of you!!

  12. Has it really been two months :O
    He's grown into such a handsome fella, bless his little soul!


  13. What a beautiful little boy! :) Can't believe he's two months old already!

  14. he is seriously SOOO SOO handsome, linds!!

    Sandy a la Mode


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