oh baby:: 34 weeks!

Wowza. 34 weeks! There were many points early on in this pregnancy when I feared I'd never get this far. God is most definitely SO good and I'm feeling more and more blessed each day I get to feel this little boy wriggling inside of me.

Things are getting pretty real over here. In two weeks I'll be full term, but I technically could have him any day. Freaks me out just a wee bit. We have so much to get done before he arrives, so I won't mind if he cooks in there a little bit longer. (but not too long, okay, Si??)

Things didn't work out for us to take that accelerated Bradley class, so I ordered the above book to glean some wisdom. I'm liking it a lot so far. Lots of naked lady pictures and I'm not sure about the idea that birth is, or can be "painless", but it's not as hokey as many books I've read.

I've been thinking a lot about birth lately. I've always said that I'd ask for an epidural as soon as possible and  happily go the way of medicated labor. But after getting pregnant and starting to read a bit, I thought I might like to try this natural labor thing. The thing is, I don't get why people are so hung up on "this is the best way to birth" or "this is the right way". If there's a healthy mama and baby at the end of it all, isn't THAT a successful labor/birth? So, I'm doing my research, making a list of preferences, but definitely staying away from a birth plan. For me, I see no need to get hung up on doing it a certain way, because if Silas is anything like his father, I'm sure he stubbornly has his own plan anyway.

 I'm actually excited to go through this with Chris. He's such a good teacher and coach in so many ways, I think he will be a magnificent encourager for me through labor.

In other news::

I'm perfecting the pregnant waddle. It's pretty comical.

I was told at our last ultrasound that Si has lots of hair! Question is-- is it dark like mine or light like Chris'??

Apparently I'm on the verge of gestational diabetes. Ugh. So, I've been working hard at limiting my carbs/sugars. I never realized how many carbs I eat in one day until now!



  1. I can't believe it's almost time already!? That was FAST!

    I LOVE your outlook on "the right way" -- as long as mama and baby are healthy, that's the right way!

    Good luck with the carbs--it's totally doable! :D

    Have a great day!

  2. My gf did the Bradley method and I was amazed as the control she had... At 2 cm. she and I walked to get our kids at the bus stop... she was completely serene and in control... A lot of concentration in slow breathing... I did the Lamaze method and it worked for me... Whatever works for you is what is best...

  3. Bradley was awesome. We ended up with a c-section because she was breech, totally opposite of our natural birth plans. But I loved the classes and the books!

  4. Love these pictures!

    I remember when I was pregnant with Braden and being freaked out that he would come at any time. It definitely makes one nervous because you just don't know what to expect! Truth is, I still don't know what to expect! =) I definitely agree to do what's best for you. Sometimes I hate hearing/reading about women doing its completely natural because I feel, a lot of the time, they tend to think they are better because they were able to do it naturally. I think its great that some women can, but I was unable and then had to have a c-section anyway, so it didn't really matter. I think as long as the choice a woman makes is best for them and their baby and they are okay with it, then its great whatever they do.

    Also, my husband was amazing when I was laboring (and through the c-section and the three days we were at the hospital). So encouraging and just there for whatever I needed! Made me fall more in love with him! Made my heart want to explode...having a baby and a great husband! Soon I get to do it again! Hope my heart can take it!

    You're looking good Lindsay and I can't wait to see your little one!

  5. You are such a beautiful mama. :)

  6. Goodness, you look amazing!


  7. My birth plan was all typed up and ready to go...and never made it out of my bag. The best advice I got was from my aunt. She said not to glorify my son's birth story before he even gets here - however he's born IS his birth story and I shouldn't take away from that. Taking the pressure off now is the way to go.

    1. Hi page and Lindsay!! I totally agree with your comment and views on this. My "birth plan" was shot to hell as soon as I went into labor and unfortunately took me some time to get over. This pregnancy we have no plan and I'm just along for the ride and I feel way more at ease. Love your thought, page. :) and best of luck linds! His plan will be perfect. :)

  8. I totally agree with Page about taking the pressure of of a certain birth expectation. With that begin said, you look lovely! Baby Silas will be here before you know it.

  9. So excited for you... you're almost there! I love your approach to labor and in the end a healthy baby and mama is all that matters. I have done it both ways and both were good for different reasons. I'll be praying for you.

  10. I love you approach to labor. and I love what page said above that we should try not to glorify our baby's birth stories. I agree with you in saying that as long as there is a healthy baby and mommy at the end of it that is all that matters.

    Also, I love your maternity style. When I was pregnant...I had no cute ideas in how to dress my bump...your style has inspired my future preggo style! :)

    Happy Thursday!

  11. Love this post. You are adorable as always. So exciting!!

  12. I had it set in my head that I was going to deliver unmedicated. However after 3 days of contractions I changed my mind because I was so tired. I agree with your thinking though. It is best to do your research, and know how you would like to handle it, but you never know what could pop up. In the end as long as everyone is healthy that is what matters.

  13. i couldn't agree with you more!! No one gets a medal for how they delivered their baby right? I feel so judged when I tell people I'm choosing an epidural...I've got my reasons...I've researched it...in the end I just want a healthy baby in my arms!

  14. You are so cute and I'm sure your waddle is too. Way to not overplan and try to control the birthing process. I don't know why women try to do that... I like what you said about having a healthy mom and baby at the end. I think it's the same with weddings... as long as you are married at the end of the day, no need to freak out about the rest of it!

  15. You look great and I Iove the baby's clothes pic....I agree with you at the end the only thing that matters is to have a healthy mama and healthy baby, good luck!

  16. I never paid attention to how much I ate until I nursed and had to make sure I was getting enough calories. Let's just say that I eat a lotta calories. bahaha You are so close, Mama! I still need to get that package out to you before Silas comes!

  17. OMG, when I'm pregnant I'm going to be in big trouble when it comes to sugars and carbs. That's pretty much all I eat...

    I bet Si is going to have dark hair like you!

  18. It's so exciting to follow you through this pregnancy. I remember the day you announced your pregnancy - on the one hand I was really happy for Chris and you but on the other hand I was so sad because we were also trying for a baby and I wasn't pregnant that month, again! And now I read your post today and noticed that in 14 weeks I will be at the same point as you are now. I'm sure you're going to choose the right way of birth and I'm absolutely agree with you - as long as mama and baby are fine, every way is the right way!

  19. you are so adorable. SO adorable. all baby! cannot wait to see how everything goes for you. i was nervous too, but God swoops in and takes care of it all. you are gonna love being a mommy. just focus on that and the nerves will disappear. been thinking of you and the moving emotions. praying that you are finding your place.

  20. you are such a beautiful pregnant woman :)

  21. I'm waddling now, too. The lower back/tail bone pain kills me. I can't believe we're almost to our due date, seems like just yesterday I read on twitter you were expecting and then announced I was expecting on the same date. Good luck in the labor dept mama!

  22. I took this relaxed approach to birth with Eme, and it paid off. I don't dismiss anyone who has birth plans, or very specific ways--but I also tried to respect that my body knew what it was doing, and it DID do it's thing. Which was great, too. I liked the option of medication if I wanted it. You'll know how you feel when you're in it--you really will. It'll be great.

  23. I'm sure you've heard if you have lots of heartburn the baby will have lots of hair. I had a bald baby and she didn't get a haircut until she was 3, now it's down to her waist and curly.
    Good luck. I like your attitude about not planning.

  24. I'm also a fan of the lack of birth plan. I went in with an open mind, and I was so jumpy they couldn't get my dilation. An epidural relaxed me enough for that, but I was open to doing it natural as well. No plan equals no regrets!


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