it's the little things:: let's get it started again!

First of all, thank you from the bottom of my heart for your comments, tweets and emails after my post on Tuesday. I feel so encouraged hearing your similar moving stories and just knowing that so many of you are praying for us.

I was thinking this week that it would probably be really helpful to start the Little Things linkup back up. With so much stress, unsettled-ness and homesickness, I think it will do this heart good to focus on the small blessings that God sneaks into my week and to share them with you. I hope you'll join me in posting about your Little Things each Friday! To read more about it, check out the page here. 

This week, though I had to look hard and get past my frustration with this move, I found many "little things"that blessed me through the week. 

The view from our front door. We live in an apartment community where most of the houses face the parking lot. Our unit "happens" to face the little lake and doesn't have any other houses peeking right in our windows. 

A new watch. Yes, a very little thing, but something that makes me smile each day! 

Chickfila. And their free wi-fi! I survived three years in Hawaii without Chickfila and it's so nice to have one down the street. Especially nice when I can chomp on some nuggets while using their free wi-fi since we haven't set ours up yet. 

A gourmet salad dinner, sitting in chairs loaned to us by a sweet friend

Chris takes amazing care of me. Including tying and untying the laces of my Blowfish boots since I can't reach them anymore. 

I found some of my favorite candy in Publix the other day! This 'liquorice' is from Australia and I didn't think they sold it in the states! 

I had my appt with my new midwife yesterday and got to peek in at my sweet boy. He's getting so big and my heart leaps thinking about the fact that I get to be mama to this precious face. 

This weekend, I'm looking forward to getting our things unpacked (SO many boxes!), and a family picnic with the guys Chris will be working with. 

Can't wait to see your little things! Check out the guidelines below and link on up!

party rules.

1. Only link to your specific blog post, not to your blog's main page. See here for more explanation. 

2. Grab a button and/or include a link back to this post so your readers can come see what the fun is all about! You can find the code for the button on the sidebar or on the "little things" page.

3. Make sure you visit (and comment) on other posts linked up-- what fun is a party if no one talks to each other? Make some new friends! 

4.  Please make sure your post is relevant to this party and is actually a "little things" post (ie. no giveaways, random posts from last month, etc.). 


  1. I'm so glad you are getting settled in and got to see the tiny man again!!!!! I'm glad your week got better!!!! Hugs sweet girl!

  2. So glad you have your stuff! YAY!

  3. Aw, your boy's face is so sweet! Glad you got to take a peek at him. ;)

    linked up my post today! thanks for hosting!

  4. great pics! great moments :) your baby is beautiful!

  5. I'm glad you took my advice of posting little things you were thankful for. Like I said I know it helped me find positive things during the stressful time when my husband was deployed and I was a "single parent" in a foreign country. I hope this helped bring a little joy to your week. Chickfla nom nom nom, I miss it too!

  6. Chickfila is one of the best reasons to love living here. Seriously good. I can't believe that sonogram. I would have loved to see my girls up close and personal before the big day. Amazing how things have changed in such a short time.

  7. LOVE Darrel Lea Mango Licorice. Helps that I live in Australia.... give me a yell if you need some mailed over :) I'd love to do that for you!
    Seeing your watch reminds me I need one... well, actually, I just need a new battery in my groovy old one... There's something to do today!

  8. Wonderful! I'd be happy too if Chikfila was down the street! I am shocked that we don't have one here in Portland!

  9. I love that licorice, it's a road trip staple around these parts-strawberry, please! :) In the west (at least where I've lived -SoCal and Spokane, Wa) it's sold in Target and Cost Plus/World Market (whatever they're calling it these days). I've been following you for a while and I have to tell you you're one of the cutest pregnant people I've ever seen!

  10. Thanks for hosting, Lindsay! So adorable that Chris laces up your shoes for you. :) It seems that you certainly have a lot to be thankful for!

  11. I love that licorice too! I think I've seen it at Target before too or something similar. Oh and Chick-fil-a....I've never been to one before moving to Florida almost 2 years ago...OMG, so good! So glad to see the link up back up again! Have a lovely weekend!

  12. I'm so glad that you're starting this back up! I've missed it. :-) I love Chick-fil-a and would miss it terribly if I ever moved away. What a pretty view you have from your new place!

  13. It's the little things fits perfectly with what I planned to post for this sunday - but it's much more fun to share it with you so thanks for doing this link party again!
    Enjoy unpacking your stuff, I hope nothing is broken and you can soon enjoy a cosy home again!

  14. Glad to see you are doing this definitely helps to lift your spirits to focus on all of the little (and big) things we have to be thankful for. :) You are getting so close to meeting that little exciting!


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