letting my creative juices flow.

When we were in Annapolis last week, I had to stop by my very favorite art shop and grab some new supplies. A new sketchbook and some pens made their way into my bag and I've been doodling up a storm since then.

I'm trying to keep my creative juices flowing even while my shop is closed. Thoughts of new designs and products are floating around in my head for when it opens back up after baby. I really miss having my shop-- thinking of new designs, sharing them with you, spending precious painting time in my studio. A fresh start is so exciting to me though-- new product photography, revamped packaging, new designs! I'm excited to see how my creative time changes when this sweet boy enters our world.

How are you letting your creative juices flow this week?

PS. Once we get set up in our apartment, I'm thinking of offering a few free printables for you guys-- keep your eyes peeled!



  1. love your creativity, it's very refreshing

  2. Such talent! And I love Micah 6:8, a motto for a life well lived.

  3. I'm a twitter and blog follower of yours---watching you draw in your sketch book inspired me to get a new one that would fit in my purse so that I could practice when the urge hit. Thanks for inspiration and motivation!

  4. i should sketch more often. brings back those childhood years. so cute! new art supplies are the best!!!

  5. I have been going thru patterns and pulling fabric and threads, your drawing are beautiful..

  6. love those! and micah 6:8 ... one of my favorites! :]

  7. I've been doodling myself. I've wanted to start a art journal, but didn't really get into it until recently. I think getting back into reading the Bible daily has gotten my creative juices flowing, which is so awesome!

  8. Really lovely drawings! Letting my creative juices flow...I don't know, I recently noticed that it's really hard for me to be creative when I don't have a concrete project to work on. That is, what I have to practice. Any tips how to be just creative in between and for myself?

    higgledy-piggledy Wonderland

    1. Grab a sketchbook, girl! Just doodle when you are sitting around. I don't have any projects now since we're on the move, but just drawing in my sketchbook helps me feel like I haven't completely lost that creative part of me in the move!

  9. I'm most creative during breaks. When all the pressure is off, it allows my creativity to blossom! Good luck settling in to your new home :)

  10. I think it's really important to keep your creativity flowing even while your shop is closed. It makes you happy and that's important! And your drawings? So stickin' cute!

  11. Ooo... I am not a purposeful creative type... more the creative-when-I-need-to-be... but I have been inspired to doodle this week - love your work! You inspire me more! :) I really should get off the computer and find a pen and paper...

  12. So pretty!!! It's great to keep those creative juices flowing.


  13. those are some of my favorite pens to draw with. i bet we would have a blast drawing and being creative, friend. love you!

  14. Really love these little sketches! (And realizing, I don't sketch nearly enough)

    I recently stumbled upon Art Things in West Annapolis... probably my new favorite place. like in the world. I could stay in there for days!

  15. I love seeing your sketches. I've recently started following you on instagram and you're pictures are so beautiful. Keep making art. I feel like once you stop, it's so hard to start up again. So pretty!


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